Chapter 8: Resentment

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“So, how did it go with Tendai the other day? Did he drop the charges against you?” Buhle asks, embarrassed and ashamed of herself for even asking that question. But she’s trying to make a
conversation as the mood has turned completely sour in this house. These two keep avoiding each other at every cost so that they won’t argue in front of their daughter.
Few days have passed since Tendai came to negotiate a settlement with Sbu and the thought of conceding to a man who is sleeping with his wife is driving him insane. “Oh you mean your boyfriend, right?” Sbu says as he tries to fix his tie in front of the dressing table mirror in their
bedroom. Ironically these two still share the bed in spite of all that has been happening. But it could be that they are doing it for the sake of their daughter who is oblivious about what’s happening in the house. “Please can you not start with that please, I’m begging you” Buhle says with a low voice but that seems to rub Sbu the wrong way as he raises his voice, “I mustn’t start what, Buhle, huh?”
he says. “The fact that you are sleeping with my business rival, a man who is hell bent on destroying my business just to spite me? Huh?” he shouts.
“Please keep your voice down okay, our daughter is in the other room” Buhle whispers to try and calm her husband down and that seems to do the trick as Sbu keeps quiet for a second, “Well if you must know, your boyfriend wants my business before he can drop charges, are you happy now?” he
says as he takes his bag and search this keys.
“What do you mean he wants your business!” Buhle asks confused by that. “Well, why don’t you ask him yourself?” Sbu says as he finds his keys. “I’m late. I will take Naledi and drop her off at school” he says as he storms out of the room, leaving Buhle still confused about that last part.
Later on at the Hospital, Katlego and Lerato had come to see their friend, Lindiwe who is still in hospital. She is still in critical but stable condition as she seems to be slow in responding to medication. Her friends have been in the room for about 30 minutes now and the mood is very sombre. They are still confused about why she was shot.
“So Buhle, when will she regain consciousness?” Lerato asks with a low voice as she brushes her hapless friend's s hair. “And the police? What are they saying about all this?” Katlego jumps in before Buhle could even answer the question. But, not wanting to speak in the room, Buhle indicates to her friends that they should talk outside, so the three of them go outside and sit down on the benches. “Look, girls, things aren’t really good at the moment. There was a little bit of infection in her wound so we had to sort that out first, you Katli know how that is. You are a doctor too” Buhle says. “but we have put her on a different medication so let’s see how she responds to
that, okay?” she says to her worried friends.
“Anything from the police?” Katlego asks curiously. “Well, honestly I haven’t heard anything yet except from what’s been on the news, that it could have been a hit on the journalist. But how Lindi fits in the picture I am not sure guys. But when she finally wakes up she will clarify those things for
us okay? Right now let’s just try to be strong for her” she concludes.
As they stand outside, their moment is interrupted by a little commotion happening behind them. When they turn around they see Bheki being followed by journalists who are throwing questions at

him over what happened to his wife, “Look, people I don’t have a comment at this stage. Let’s allow the police to conduct their investigation into the matter and I’m pretty sure that whoever did this
will be brought to book” Bheki says as he goes in to his wife. But as the journalist attempt to follow him Buhle quickly stops them, “Ladies and Gentlemen may I remind you that this is a hospital so can you please keep it quiet or I will have to ask security to escort you out of the premises” she says authoritatively and the journalists duly leave the area.

Later on in the day, Sbu is at Lauren Analytic offices having a meeting with the company CEO, Lauren. It’s been going on for about 45 minutes now in Lauren’s huge office that is facing the beach.
Lauren is a woman of class and a go-getter. She has a great taste in almost everything from her fashion sense to deco in her offices. She’s not married but a single parent of one child.
“So that is my story Lauren, I really don’t have a choice here okay? If I don’t give Tendai this contract I could lose more business as you know, he’s a very powerful man” Sbu says as he sits on the swinging chair while Lauren is standing by the window on the 6th floor looking outside at the beautiful sea. She thinks for a second before coming to sit on the table next to Sbu, “Look
NdimandeI like you okay? You are bright and brilliant at your job that’s why I awarded you this contract instead of the MEC. It is you I want to do business with, not the MEC” she says looking at the blushing Sbu in the eyes. He thinks for a second trying to piece words together, “look, I really
appreciate the confidence you have in me Lauren, I really do. It’s just that this man is not giving me any choice with this and…” he doesn’t finish as Lauren cuts him off,
“Shhh…” as she puts her finger on his lips. “Tell you what? Let me deal with the MEC okay?” she says. “Our agreement stands Sbu and nothing will change that. I think I have a few cards I can play with the MEC; he will change his mind on this” with a smile. Sbu wants to ask for more details but he thinks maybe the less he knows the better. So his eyes brighten with relief, “Wow, okay. Uhmm that is a huge relief Lauren. I really owe you one” he says nervously.
“Oh yes you do” Lauren says as she comes to sit on Sbu's lap, which catches him off guard. “And I
think I will collect my debt right now Mr Ndimande” as she whispers in his ear. At that very moment she starts kissing him deep to which Sbu accept as he unzips Lauren’s dress while she unbuttons his shirt. They make love on top of the huge office table.
Somewhere else under a dark bridge of a somewhat dodgy place, two cars are parked close to each.
One of the cars has Tendai and Bheki as occupants. This is the first time they meet since the
conversation they had over the phone concerning the now deceased Tsego Rabadi. There’s a little bit of tension between these two friends since Lindiwe was caught in the crossfire.
“So how was Milan?” Tendai asks with a low voice as he sits on the driver’s seat. He’s not really
looking at his friend but he looks through the window. “Can you please not patronize me Tendai?” Bheki answers angrily as he also looks the other way, sitting on the passenger sit. “All I want to know is how my wife was caught in the crossfire? You could have killed her; you know that?” he turns to look at his friend. Awkward silence passes as both men think about their next words carefully. They
have business partners for a long time but they have never had a situation that threaten their partnership like this one here. “Look, my friend please calm down okay?” Tendai pleads with his friend. “You know there’s no job that goes perfectly as planned okay?” he says to what seems to upset Bheki who turns and looks at him, stunned.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean Tendai?” he raises his voice. “What happens when Lindiwe wakes up? Don’t you think she will connect the dots? Everyone knows that bloody journalist was working on a story. Anyone can easily link this to us, did you think about?” he really isn’t impressed at all. But Tendai understands why his friend is upset so he’s trying by all means to avoid the exchange of words between them
“Look, my friend this wasn’t intended okay? Your wife was in this guy’s room, no one expected that to happen. So according to my guy, everything happened too fast and your wife got shot” he says calmly. “And I think you are also trying to avoid the important question here Bheki, what was your
wife doing in that room with this guy? He was naked in bed and she got shot coming from his bathroom, probably to freshen up. And…” Tendai doesn’t finish as his friend abruptly cuts him off, “You don't think I’m asking myself the very same question?” he says raising his voice. “Of course I’ve asked myself the same question. Lindiwe was sleeping with this guy” as he looks embarrassed by
this whole thing. “Well, not only that my friend, but there’s a huge possibility that your wife was the actual source for this guy’s story. I mean don’t you think?” Tendai says now looking at his confused friend.
“Look I don’t know about that man” Bheki says as he looks down like he’s thinking deep. “I mean I’m not sure how much she knows about our dealings, but even if she knew something, why would she risk it? Her business would have been affected as well, so it won’t make sense to snitch on us. I’m
not saying it’s not possible but I’m saying it’s highly unlikely” he says looking away.
“Well then, I suppose we will know when she wakes up, won’t we?” Tendai says as he pulls a bottle of whiskey and two glasses from the glove compartment. He pours a double for both of them and
they both down it in one go, simultaneously. “How can Lindiwe do this to me though?” Bheki says as he looks towards his side’s window once again. “I mean, why this particular guy? How long has she been having an affair with this guy or any other guy?” his face suddenly changes from being sad to being angry, and Tendai seeing that, he pours him another double and once again Bheki takes it in one go. “Look I’m sorry my friend” Tendai says with a low voice. “This…you shouldn’t have find out this way. But let us wait for her to wake up and maybe you will get a better understanding after
that” he says as he taps his friend on the shoulder.
“Listen I’ve got to run and go see my wife there at the hospital. Hopefully there won’t be journalists snooping around for a story” Bheki says as he gets out of Tendai’s car and gets on his. The two gentlemen drive off in separate directions.
Somewhere else, Lerato slept over at Ndoda's home, which is in the upper class suburbs. It is a very big house in a very secure area where people who want privacy live. Ndoda doesn’t talk too much. He likes to keep to himself most of the time and mind his own business. I suppose for a person in his line of business, it’s important that he doesn’t draw attention to himself. Since these two met at the restaurant some time ago, they kept contact and been dating ever since.
And one may be tempted to say they are actually starting to fall for each other and Lerato has always had a thing for powerful and rich man. When she first saw Ndoda at some restaurant with MEC Tendai she quickly assumed that he probably is a government minister and Ndoda played along, maybe because he was intrigued by her boldness as well. Ndoda doesn’t judge Lerato for being an influencer, for choosing to live an expensive lifestyle, even though it is largely off other people. For a person who lives a dangerous secret life like Ndoda, the Lerato type of girl is an ideal cover since one of Ndoda's front companies is events management. Question is, how long can he hide this from Lerato?

“Oh I wish we could stay in bed the whole week and not go anywhere” Lerato says as she lay on Ndoda’s chest, brushing it softly. “We can order takeaways and watch movies, what do you think?” she insists. “Uhmm, that sounds divine babe, it really does but you know hustling is hustling. There’s money to be made out there, isn’tit?” Ndoda says kissing Lerato in the forehead.
“But can’t you let your people run businesses for you?” Lerato asks with a begging voice. “I mean I really love spending time with you. You know I’ve always gone around chasing game and wealth, out there with rich men, some married. But with you I’m so connected. I feel normal because you don’t judge me at all. And to be quite honest with you, it is the first time I’m with a guy and I don’t even
care about his money. I just love being here with you” she says as she kisses his Ndoda’s chest and he seems to be enjoying it. “wow, I actually feel special” he says kissing her forehead again. “I myself, am not really open to relationships and normally try to keep people at a certain distance.
But you, young lady” as he kisses her in the lips this time, “The very first time I saw you in that restaurant, there was something about you that got me.
I mean you were bold to come over to a stranger’s table like that. But for one reason or the other I couldn’t brush you off like I would have normally done. Maybe it was a sign, I don’t know or maybe it was a coincidence. But what I know that you have had some kind of effect on me, in a good way” he smiles at her and she seems speechless with that.
“So, does that mean we are now official?” Lerato asks with a smile of excitement in her face. Ndoda thinks for a second as he looks to the ceiling. “Yeah I think you could say that. Yeah we are official” he says as he kisses her again. “Well in that case then Mr, let me go to your beautiful kitchen and make a girlfriend’s breakfast” Lerato says as she gets up and puts the gown on. She goes to the kitchen to make breakfast.
After a little while she comes back with a deliciously looking breakfast on a tray, because she
thought they’d have breakfast in bed. But Ndoda is in the ensuite bathroom, taking a shower. “Your breakfast is ready babe” she shouts. “Uhmm, I will be there in a minute” Ndoda shouts from the bathroom. Lerato puts the tray on the side of the bed. But then she notices something on the floor that looks like A4 size paper. Oh it must have fallen from the drawer; she thinks to herself. She picks it up and reads. She almost falls into the ground when she sees what’s written- Target Information.
It has the name, address, and other information in it. And clipped on this paper is a photo of Tsego Rabadi. Suddenly her mind starts to race as she recalls the day she saw Ndoda with the MEC. She remembers seeing Tendai slide something that looked like a brown envelope to Ndoda.
She is now connecting the dots of who Ndoda might be. Oh my god, what did I get myself into? What am I going to do with this? She thinks to herself. She begins to sweat a little and all the butterflies she was feeling about this man are suddenly put on ice. Her thoughts are interrupted by Ndoda calling, “Babe are you okay?”

In a less toxic environment somewhere else, Buhle had come to see Grace in her place. She lives in a complex, nothing fancy but good enough for her since she stays alone. It is also not in a bad neighborhood as well. It is peaceful here which suits Grace's anti-social lifestyle.
“Thank you for letting me pass by” Buhle says as she comes to sit down in a couch. “It’s okay Buhle, what can I do for you?” Grace asks with a straight face, showing no emotion at all which suddenly makes Buhle nervous. “uhmm, Grace firstly I would like to profusely apologies for what happened between you and me the other day. I was really out of line and should have handled the situation a little better and for that...” Buhle doesn’t finish as a visibly irritated Grace cuts her off, “But there

was no situation to handle Buhle” she says with a respectful voice. “There was never a situation. You started throwing accusations at me and calling me all sorts of names so I wouldn’t call that a situation. I never had a problem with you and…” she also doesn’t finish as Buhle jumps in,
“Yes I’m really sorry about that. Uhmm, yes of course there was no situation. It was 100% my fault and I really want to apologize for that. I wish I can undo that. I actually wish a lot of things right now” she says looking down in shame. “uhmm, Naledi misses you, you know and she asks about…” but once again she doesn’t finish as Grace cuts her off again,
“oh you mean Naledi misses me or you actually miss someone who will work like your maid in
taking care of your child when you guys don’t have time?” she says, but realising that she may have come a little too hard on Buhle, who is now looking down with a little tear in her eyes, she holds herself and calms down a bit, “What are you really doing here Buhle?” she asks calmly this time. And that question is followed by a little silence as Buhle is trying to piece words together. She finally gathers strength to look into Grace’s eyes, “Look I’m here to beg you to come back as Sbu's
PA. Of course he doesn’t know that I’m here talking to you. But I’m begging you please” her voice is trembling a little bit. Grace thinks for a second,
“Look, Buhle you guys don’t have a PA problem, you have a maid problem. Even if I went back to work for your husband, you’d still need a maid. I helped out with Naledi because I wanted to not because I was obligated. It wasn’t part of my job. I wasn’t getting paid for it. Do you get that?” she says looking at Buhle in the eyes.
“Yes I hear you Grace. Thank you for your time” Buhle says as she gets up and heads towards the door. As she’s about to open it, Grace’s stops her, “Buhle, look. I will help out with Naledi whenever I’m available. You know I’m fond of your child. So when you need me just call me I will be happy to help if I can. But as for the PA thing, I’m sorry I can’t help you guys with that” she says. And that sounds like music in Buhle’s ears as she smiles and nods on her way out.

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