Chapter : 2

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C h a p t e r : t w o : Where The Lonely Ones Roam

My eyes fluttered open. I blinked a few times before slowly sitting up on bed. I yawned and stretched out my arms. I blindly reached for my phone on the bedside table and checked the time. 

2:48 a.m

I guess, no one woke me up for dinner. Why couldn't I just have woken up in the morning?

I sighed inwardly. Now I know I won't be getting any sleep.

I got up from the bed and stood in front of the mirror and glanced at my reflection. 

One word.


My emerald coloured eyes were puffy and dull. My hair was a mess and I had red stretch mark on the half of my face that was pressed against the bed while I was sleeping. Anyone else hate those? I do. My eyes zoomed in on that one little pimple that was growing on the center of my nose.

I almost shrieked in horror. Oh God no. Not on the nose. Pimple on the face is one thing but pimple on the peak of your nose is another. Hell no.

I think, it was safe to say that I looked nothing less than a disaster. It seems as if it's been ages since the last time I took a shower but I decided to ignore it for a while because food comes first. My stomach grumbled in agreement.

I pull up my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs to look for something to eat. I tiptoed all the way to the kitchen, careful not to wake anyone. Once I reached the fridge, I saw a piece of paper attached to it with duct tape. After getting rid of the sticky tape, which took me about a minute or so, I opened the paper. Apparently, it was a note from mom.

I tried to wake you but you sleep like the dead. In case you wake up, there's lasagna and cake in the fridge. 



I shook my head at this. I should've seen this coming. Mom used to stick these notes on our lunch boxes when we were kids with our names and endearments on it. Such as,

Tootsie sprinkle-pie. That one was for Jessica.

Mine was, Sweet sugar sweeper.

Mom got a little extra creative with Jaden's. Sometimes I think it was intentional.

Cuddly-wuddly poppsie sparkly glitter-bag.

Yup. Definitely intentional.

He used to get so pissed whenever mom used to call him that thing.

I threw the note in the bin and opened the fridge. After taking out my food and placing it on the kitchen island. I took a seat and dug right into the food. Did I mention that my mom's cooking is absolute perfection?

Suddenly, I heard the front door jingle and heavy foot steps coming this way. Jaden marched in the kitchen, his blue eyes were flashing with irritation. He had a bruise forming on his left cheek that will probably turn into a nasty big one tomorrow plus a black eye. It seems as if he had gotten into a fight, which is quite odd because he isn't the type of person who got into much fights.

After taking an ice pack from the fridge, he took a seat next to me on the kitchen island while pressing ice pack on his face.

"What happened?" I asked as I took a bite of cake. I almost moaned at how good it tastes.

"Had a little fight." He groaned as he clenched and then unclenched his jaw.

"Well apparently, it wasn't so little." I said while eyeing his bruise.

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