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Nick Valdez

Take a deep breath, Nick. I told myself as I walked in the cafeteria spotting Andrea sitting at our usual table with her friends and some of the guys from the soccer team who were drooling on every word she said. I couldn't blame them since Andrea was quite beautiful with her long brown hair that fell down her shoulders like a cascade and her gorgeous blue eyes that looked right through you.

How ever her looks couldn't make up the fact that she was a total self centered, arrogant bitch.

Andrea and I have been dating since sophomore year after she transferred to Deerfield Secondary. Her arrival caused quite something since most of the guys instantly fell in love with her at first sight. I,sadly, was one of them. I thought she was the one but I was starting to see who she really was. I had been practicing how to break up with her but I couldn't quite figure out how to tell her without making her freak out.

As I arrived at the table all of the guys had already saved a spot for me right beside Andrea, but for some reason I didn't want to sit down.

"Hey babe!" She squealed in a very high pitched voice.

"Um hey," I said while scratching the back of my neck and just stood there for at least 6 seconds.

"Hey! Come on. Sit down baby." she said while grabbing my arm.

"Well, actually I wanted to talk to you in private." I replied while grabbing my arm and just standing there.

"What's so important that has to be private?" She said in her annoying voice, "just say it in front of all of us if its really that important." She said while turning her head to look up at me.

"Alright," I took a deep breath and said, "I'm breaking up with you Andrea."

The whole cafeteria fell silent after I said that. In less than a second, they started to whisper to each other. They couldn't believe that I, Nick Valdez, had broken up with Andrea.

"Yo-you're breaking up with me?" She stuttered.

"Yes I am Andrea." I replied in a simple tone.

"But you cant! I mean babe come on sit down haha. We can talk about this later." She said while grabbing my arm again, trying to force me to sit beside her.

"No, Andrea. I'm not." I said while forcing my arm out of her hand.

"Well if we're all being honest here, then I guess I should let you know that I've been seeing Jake behind your back for the past 5 months." She said while standing up in front of me and raising her eyebrow.

The instant she said that I felt as if my blood was boiling inside of my vei.ns. I clenched my fists and looked straight at her. What pissed me off the most was that she was cool about it and she was actually smiling as if she was proud of what just came out of her mouth.

"What?" Was the only thing I managed to say.

"You heard me," Andrea replied, "or would you like me to repeat myself for you?" She said simply.

I felt angry, sad but most of all, I felt betrayed. My girlfriend had been seeing my best friend Jake behind my back for the past 5 months?!

No proper words could come out of my mouth to respond to that. But then there he was, my best friend or should I say ex best friend standing in front of me ready to say something.

"I-I'm so s-" before he could finish his sentence I slammed my fist into his jaw with all my force causing him to fly backwards onto the floor. While everyone was trying to help him up and clean up the mess of blood his nose and mouth had made, Andrea stood there looking right at me with a look of accomplishment, as if she was proud of what she just did.

Without even thinking about it, I took my bag putting it over my shoulder and walked away from the scene. Only to discover the pain on my fist after punching him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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