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Ryusui: so is this thing with me and gen happening or..?

[20+ people are online]

Gen: no.

Senku: I will rip your fucking spine out of your body you spineless bitch
Senku: Oh

Ryusui: HAHA!! cant rip out whats not there >:)
Ryusui: sooooo gen

Gen: no.

Tsukasa: Honey bunches, I love you and want you to be happy, BUT not with Gen for the love of fuck

Gen: fucking rude much u uggo ape

Tsukasa: That was kinda the plan you human chess board

Gen: :0 that is mr human chess board to you!

Senku: Tsukasa, I will not hesitate to freeze you to death, AGAIN if you so much as think of disrespecting Gen EVER again

Kohaku: lollllllll

Chrome: Kohaku wtf?

Kohaku: i had a point to get across, i needed the extra few l

Tsukasa: You get those pretty easy don't you?

Kohaku: need i remind who won the war bitchass

Tsukasa: Actually it was a tie

Senku: Actually you forfeited

Tsukasa: Potato in the tomato

Xeno: Not the saying but okay

Gen: my pookie wookie discord kitten?

Amaryllis: Ew! Just ew

Senku: Never call me that again
Senku: But what do you need Gen?

Gen: me? you? date?

Senku: Sure

Gen: yayyyyy!! suck on that kohaku!!

Kohaku: what did i do!?

Gen: everything, iteraly-lay everything
Gen: meet at the science shed

Senku: Okay <3

Gen: <3

Kohaku: gay

Gen: you're one to talk

[Senku and Gen are offline]

Ryusui: there goes my hope with gen 🥲

Tsukasa: Baby girl, nah bitch yo ass trippin'

Mirai: my brother is actually moronic

Ryusui: i dont mind ;)

[Ryusui and Tsukasa are offline]

Suika: what just happened

Kohaku: suika
Kohaku: they gonna fuck
Kohaku: why did you shove a baguette in my mouth and bolt?

Francois: Because, there are children around

Stanley: Pretty sure these kids know what sex is

Suika: yeahhh Mirai, Namari and i walked in on Stanley and mr Xeno having the sex
Suika: still have no idea what the purpose is

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