Dating (Edited)

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Pauls POV

Time skip 3 weeks

It's been close to a month since everything happened with Aria we've been hanging out every day for weeks and honestly, I've fallen more in love with her than I thought possible.

Everything with the leeches has been..okay. They stay on their side, and we don't go over there.

Aria has been practicing a lot more with her magic, she told me about Celeste and I even met her. She's terrifying, but beautiful. I love everything about her.

She's everything I wanted and more, sweet, caring, but also was protective and possessive as it turned out.

But what proved it was when Heather tried to get close and Aria put her out.

It was hilarious seeing Aria put Heather in her place. But a lot more happened there, a lot I'm thankful for.

I'm currently lying in bed, holding Aria as I remember all that has happened these last few weeks.


Aria and I are at the diner getting lunch after we spent the day cliff diving when I smell Heather approaching.

My entire body goes rigid, Aria looks up at me her brows furrowed till she sees Heather. Her eyes harden, she turns to Heather. A fake smile on her face, "Heather! Hi!" She says.

Heather ignores Aria and pushes her way onto my lap. I sit rigidly, not touching her.

My wolf is snarling in my head, angry at the fact that it is not Aria in our lap.

"Hi baby" Heather purrs in my ear, "haven't seen you much this past few weeks," she says and runs her hand up and down my chest.

Aria is sitting there, her eyes completely hard. "Heather" she snaps, startling Heather her voice cold "if you don't mind. Me and Paul are on a date, and id appreciate it if you got your whore self off of him. Now" she snarls and stands up calmly, pushing the chair in.

Aria moves to where me and Heather are.

Heather doesn't move, "and why should I care? He only wants in your pants anyways," she says trying to sound scary but failing. "if that was the case Heather, why would he still be around me if that's all he wanted" Aria coos mockingly.

Obviously lying seeing as we haven't slept together but it was funny. "now I said get the fuck off my boyfriend before I kick your ass," she says and pulls Heather off my lap by her hair.

I hear a rip sound and suddenly see Heather clutching her head and Aria with a handful of extensions. I try to hold back a laugh but fail miserably. Laughing loudly, I tug Aria into my lap. "Leave me alone Heather, I don't want you," I say and tuck my head into Aria's neck, breathing in her scent. Heather lets out a sob and runs out of the diner.

"Boyfriend huh little witch?" I joke to Aria.

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah's why I wanted to take you to this diner. It's the same one we hung out at all the time as kids. It has some meaning before I asked if you'd like to try and move to the dating stage of the imprint bond?" She asks as she plays with my shirt.

I stare in shock before cupping her cheek and tilting her head to look a me. "I'd be a fool not to agree to that Aria Uley' I say and kiss her gently.

Flashback over.

So yes, me and Aria are officially dating. It's been amazing, she has moved out of her dad's place and is living with Sam and Emily full-time.

Jake has been giving her some trouble, wanting her back because he loves her.

But I know for a fact that it's not that, Bella has been seen dating Edward Cullen lately. Filthy leech better keep their disco ball looking asses away from us.

I also tend to stay with Aria more often than not, I don't know if she fully trusts me yet, but I am trying so hard.

All I want is her love, and her trust. I'm just not sure if she's willing to give it yet, either way I'll wait patiently for her she's worth waiting for.

She's my best friend, the love of my life. She deserves the world. I'd burn the world for her if she asked me to I love her so much.

I'm hoping she tells me how she feels, and if I can do anything to help her feel better around me. But I'm going to talk to her about it.

I get pulled out of my thoughts as Aria moves against my arm, "Hey sweet girl are you awake?" I whisper to her earning me a grunt in return.

"Yes Paul I'm awake" she says, but her voice sounds whiney and it's adorable.

"Awee I'm sorry to wake you up Ari, I just need to get ready for patrol!" I say and kiss her cheek and temple gently.

She whines softly, "noooo tell Sam to send someone else," she says with a pout making me grin.

"I wish I could, but as of now, it's only Jared, Sam, and I that are phased. We're keeping an eye on a few of the teens on the rez, Jacob, Quil, and Embry specifically" I say softly wrapping my arms around her waist tightly.

Embry was a surprise, we didn't know he carried the gene. But it makes a little sense, since we have no idea who his father is. We have narrowed down to my dad, which wouldn't shock me, and Joshua Uley.

We havent told Aria that yet, I think if she even had a suspicion that Embry is her half brother she's freak out.

She sighs, "Fine I'll let you go" she pouts "But we should go to the movies tonight! It'll be fun!" She says and smiles at me.

I laugh, "Of course princess we can go to the movies, but I get to pick," I say grinning, knowing there's a scary movie out tonight that will scare her.

She nods and sits up, her hair falling over her face like a curtain.

She turns and faces me, sitting on her knees beside me on the bed. Simply staring at me she runs her hand up my chest and to my face.

Gently cupping my cheek, she leaned in and kissed me. "I love you Paul Lahote," she says against my lips.

I let out a strangled gasp and looked at her wide-eyed. "did you just...I love you too Aria Uley'" I say and pull her on top of me, her legs straddling me.

She blushes as her (my) shirt rides up along her thighs. I look her up and down, growling softly as I see her thighs spread. "I need to go" I groan out "If I'm late again Sam will kick my ass," I say.

Aria growls, shocking me 'could she be a wolf? Or was that Celeste?' I think to myself, "no he won't," she says, her voice deeper showing Celeste is speaking and her eyes are glowing. "woah hey hey no! I was joking!" I say and quickly hug her tightly, trying to calm her down.

She goes limp against me, making me purr in response. My wolf and I both love having her against me.

"He can't hurt you" she grumbles out "I won't allow it," she says and kisses my cheek, standing up from my lap, making me groan.

"Come on Paul we need to go" I hear Sam yell from downstairs.

I sigh and get up, putting on my cargo shorts, "I'll be home by 6, be ready by 7 for our date okay?" I say and turn to Aria, seeing her eyes blown with lust and her arousal scents the air making me groan.

"abygirl stop being mean" I say and grip her by the waist, pulling her close to me.

My bulge pressed against her stomach, "I can't go out there like this" I say, my voice husky and deep.

She looks up at me through her lashes, biting her lip she leans up and kisses me. "I'm sorry Paul, I'm going to be late for work," she says and hugs me before running to the bathroom to change.

I growl as she runs away, "TEASE" I call out after her and chuckle. "Work hard play hard big guy!" She calls out with a giggle.

I walk out of the room and get ready to go on patrol.

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