The Witch

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A devil? A witch? Or a saviour?

In the enigmatic village of "Unbon", shrouded in mystery, the tale unfolded...

Mid-14th century, Joshua, was deemed the chosen one and stood as a beacon of hope. People believed he was chosen by the god.

Amid peaceful times, an unspoken agreement restricted movement post-dawn.

Elliote and her husband, fearing their ailing son's worsening health, sought reassurance from Markie, the village's doctor.

As dawn approached, the child's pain intensified. Elliote, driven by the love towards her child, defied the church norms, urging her husband to seek the doctor's aid.

In response, "Elliote, We are not allowed to step out in darkness. I'll check out our son tomorrow morning."

Elliote was unyielding because the child was in too much suffering to endure. To improve her son's health, she and her husband decided to walk to the doctor's office.

"Elliote. We cannot risk stepping out."

"I can't see my son suffer. What happens if he passes away? We cannot allow the witch myth to take our son's life. We must visit the physician to ensure our son's health. We must leave right now!"

Elliote cradles the child in her arms, urging her husband to accompany her to the doctor. As her husband opens the door, Elliote rushes towards it, clutching the child tightly.

She departs from their home, sprinting towards the doctor's house.

Upon arrival at the doctor's house. She knocks and knocks, and screams for help but she gets no response.

The confused poor mother turns to speak with her husband, only to find no one beside her. Glancing back at her house, she noticed her husband had closed the door and stayed inside.

He gazes from the window of their home, tears in his eyes.

Confused Elliote continues to plead with the doctor to open the door. Minutes pass with silence.

Desperate to save her son but without guidance, dense fog obscuring all visibility, she stands in the cold, freezing climate Unable to bear her son's pain, she gently places him on the ground and calls out his name, attempting to wake him, but in vain. She can sense her son departing, his soul slipping away.

She sobs...

She weeps for an extended period, holding the child in the dense fog. The air becomes increasingly difficult to breathe with each passing second. No helping hand is in sight. Anger, sadness, despair, and pain surround her as the already dark climate grows even darker, shrouded by depressed clouds. No light penetrates the overcast sky as the moon hides above the dark clouds.

Hope wanes. Her son's life has not been saved.

Regret begins to consume her from toe to soul.

In the absence of any visible light but darkness, she holds her son to her chest and screams.

Unfortunately, no one appears to rescue either her or her son. All she perceives is a pervasive sense of death.

She saw a light from the forest.

Undeterred by the despair, she cradles her son in her arms and moves forward, guided by a faint light emanating from the forest. With nothing left to lose, she embraced the inevitability of death and walked towards the inviting forest.

The light intensifies, becoming a beacon of hope. Wiping her eyes, she smiles as she discerns someone in the forest ready to offer assistance.

No one ever saw a solitary light from the forest before, but the desperate mother, consumed by the need to save her son, becomes oblivious, following anything that might lead her to him.

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