Chapter 24

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My days turned into weeks and eventually turned into months as I painstakingly tried to navigate my life again. Time moved fast but it remained frozen in my mind. How ironic is that? Since the confrontation that happened in the mall I have not heard from or seen Allen, sometimes I dream of him beside me whispering sweet nothings and engulfing me with his warmth just to wake up in an empty bed alone and cold. I wanted to talk to him and clear the air, but Allen shut me down completely, his anger consumed him fully, not that I blamed him because I knew it was my fault, but it just hurt, nonetheless. I attempted to call him multiple times, but it always ended up in his voicemail, they say desperate times call for desperate measures and so I went into the office building praying I'll catch an opportunity to speak with him ngunit mas naging mailap ang tadhana sa akin except one time where I came close of finally bumping into him.

It was already the end of the shift and most of the employees were already out, if Allen followed the same timeline he used to before then he should be out of the office anytime now. I readily went to the parking lot trying to conceal myself, mentally preparing before I showed up in front of him. I was hoping and praying that he could at least listen to me, I narrated the speech I had prepared in my mind hoping I wouldn't mess it up. I heard the elevator door open and I sneaked a little wanting to confirm if it was Allen and yes it was him, my chest swelled a little recognizing how much I missed him. I was about to show myself and stand right in front of him when a woman walked behind his large frame, her hand was around Allen's arm and she was smiling from ear to ear.

I don't know her, but she is tall and slender, wearing a tight pencil skirt that signifies she works in an office. A painful throb hit my heart as I watched the two of them walk side by side each other.

It used to be me.

Is she the new girlfriend? New secretary? How fast you have moved on Allen. The hollow in my chest continued to grow as I was fixated on their every move. Heartbreak is never easy. I watched as the tears streamed down my face realizing this was a losing battle. I have lost completely. I stared at them as the woman climbed into his car while he leaned and kissed her.

Perfect and I must see that and add it to the list of my aching heart.

They sped away leaving me behind, I stood there frozen in my step habang nakatingin parin ako sa papalayong sasakyan. I touched my painful chest as I realized that all my dreams had now turned into nightmares.

"Geraldine... You need to eat. It's not healthy for you to continue to act this way" Laura pointed out one day when she visited me in my apartment. She moved around opening every blind of my windows introducing sunlight into my room. I squinted as the light hit my eyes. I felt weak.

"I'm fine Laura... don't worry about me" I tried to give her my most convincing smile.

"You can't fool me you know..." Saad nito sa akin as she went closer and pinched my cheek.

I sighed. "I just need more time" I finally replied.

"I understand what you are going through, but this is not the end of the world... You can't give up like this" she touched my hand wanting to give me the encouragement I need.

"I know Laura but..." Napahagulhol ako unable to put up with the act anymore. I bawl like a wounded animal.

"I know it's hard my friend, I do" She embraced me wanting to extend the comfort she could offer. I was there vulnerable in her arms as I poured my heartache once and for all.

Weeks passed as I was stretching one morning feeling a little better than the past few months. I got up and saw the acceptance letter that was sent to me a few days back. This is for my application to one of the schools in Canada, Laura was adamant for me to apply a few moons back thinking that it might help distract my mind, and now that the result is out, and I am finally accepted I have no idea what to do with it anymore. But then again, I should be thankful at least, One day at a time, I'll heal one day at a time. I continue to recite the mantra in my mind. A knock on the door ang nagpabalik sa aking ulirat. I went to the doorway and opened it at ang nakangiting Ram ang sumalubong sa akin. He knew what happened because Laura made sure he was looped in, but Ram never said a word, he was just there bringing food or whatever he could give all those times I wasn't feeling myself and I truly appreciate that in him. I don't need more pity from my friends and Ram never gave me one.

Wicked RevengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon