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The next morning Kou woke up, the sun was starting to rise later, when it's winter, he had to run the risk of still being a vampire when he woke up.

It's so annoying to have to do all of this, but I guess Teru-nii does this everyday so whatever..

The makeup he uses is waterproof, just incase it rains and he's still a vampire, he also uses the same thing everyone else does.

No one eats breakfast in their household, when he asked Teru why after first becoming a vampire, he was just told.

'Since we have to stomach human food lunch, it's not worth it'

"Good morning Teru-Nii,"

"Morning, Kou, let's go to school?" His brother responded awkwardly, seemingly still bothered by last night.

"Yeah, sure,"

Teru held Kou's hand, and Kou didn't fight it.

"No matter what, Kou, I still love you, okay?"

"I love you too,"

The strange conversation came to an end as they arrived at school.

Kou was relieved.

I feel bad for being so blunt..

He watched as Teru walked away and visualised himself running after him, but realised that would be even more weird.

Kou just headed to class, he had nothing else to do. However, school was still hell for him, his class still judged him because he used to do vampire roleplays, since he always wanted to be one, after he failed the test year after year.

He had no friends, but he decided that was alright, after all, he couldn't risk any late night hangout sessions or sleepovers because of his genes and his duty to hunt.

After a while of staring out of the window the bell rang and the rest of class who weren't already there sat down.

The teacher then came in, with another boy Kou didn't recognise.

A new student?

"Good morning class, today we shall all welcome a new student, introduce yourself please,"

The boy moved to the front, he was clutching his arm.

"Hi.. my name is Sousuke Mitsuba, but call me Mitsuba.."

"Okay, you can sit next to Hajime,"

Hajime raised his hand and Mitsuba came over to him, they were just behind him.

"Hiya, I'm Hajime, friends?" He asked.

"Sure, maybe,"

"Don't worry I'm popular here, I know the red flags here," He smiled, "Do you see the dude with the orange spiky hair, his name is Minamoto, he's a bit of a freak.. still played vampires in Middle School and everything,"

"vampires.." Mitsuba murmured so quiet Kou barely heard him.

"Yeah, vampires, why? Wassup?"

"Nothing, it's just a bit random I guess,"

"Yeah, okay and there's also.."

Kou got bored of their gossip and began to try and focus on class again to kill time.


When the lunch bell rang, he shrugged internally.

Kou was pretty much neutral on human food, since he wasn't completely vampire, he wasn't totally not needing the food, but a part of him wished he could just be normal, like other vampires.

He got his lunch and sat down at the edge of a table and began to eat.

It's actually kinda tasty..

"So hows the food.. Minamoto is it..?"

Kou jumped.

"Huh who are you- wait. New kid?"

"It's Mitsuba actually. But yeah.."

Kou realised that Mitsuba was wearing a long sleeved shirt under his uniform.

Isn't he hot? It's still warm outside..

"Cool, I know Hajime already told you about me, but I'm Minamoto Kou," He half-smiled.

"Yeahhh, don't worry, I didn't really listen, his voice almost killed me and it's only been one day,"

"Not even that," Kou shrugged.

"Save me then?!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Use your vampire powers or whatever??!!" Mitsuba spoke a bit too loud, a few people began to look at them.

"Oh." Kou looked at Mitsuba, "I see how it is, I'll see you later, Mitsuba,"

"Wait.. I'm sorry Minamoto!!"

Kou had already left the table, and since Mitsuba didn't really make an effort to follow him, he managed to head the old building's bathroom undetected.

He stared at the mirror and sighed, sometimes he couldn't see himself, and he couldn't risk someone seeing the non-existent reflection in the glass.

I hate Hajime, but I hate myself for not realising I'd be a freak for if..


The bell for class went off and Kou ran back to class. As he walked in, he saw Mitsuba staring at him, he narrowed his eyes and sat down.

Kou could barely focus all class, and since he pretty much blended in within his class, he managed to dodge being asked a question he didn't know the answer to.

After class he had to meet up with Teru, so they could go home.

"Minamoto, wait, hear me out." Mitsuba called after him and Kou gave in.


"I'm sorry I said that about you,"

Kou shrugged, a neutral expression on his face, "it's fine, I know you and Hajime are buddies,"

"We aren't, I just needed to make a good impression!"

"To who? Because I didn't really get one.."

"I don't want to be bullied for being stuck up or different or whatever.."

"Oh.." Kou paused, "well, I guess I understand, just.. uhm.. pick a side I guess,"

"Yeah.. I will," Mitsuba smiled at him before walking away.

What time is it now?

Kou checked his phone.


Dammit, I'm late.

He began to run to the school gates.

But I guess it was worth it.


"You're late, Kou, why?" Teru asked, as they began to walk home.

"New kid drama, heard about my vampire roleplaying.."

"It's fine, they'll grow out of it," Teru shrugged.

"I wish,"

Now that Kou thought about it, he didn't know a lot about Teru's childhood, but he didn't dare ask..

"Uhm, well how was your day?" Kou tried to continue the conversation.

"The same as always, quite boring,"

"Do we have hunt tonight again?"

"You're not coming,"


"Some people are still mad you let that person go,"

"I didn't even let them go!" Kou lied.

"Don't complain to me about it, I tried what I could," Teru shrugged and slipped inside the house.

Kou followed, annoyed.

Why couldn't I have just let them go?

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