Chapter 10: Everything Goes Wrong

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I know this is a longer chapter than normal, but trust me, it's worth the read ;). Do comment and tell me what you think, please!

"You guys are so much trouble," Clarisse said.

She had just led us on a tour of her ship, which absolutely sucked. Every room was crowded with dead soldiers, and I didn't like them.

Confederates, Agro growled, her fangs bared at the soldiers.

The dead soldiers liked Annabeth because she told them she was from Virginia. Percy, on the other hand, was liked at first because of his last name, but then they turned on him when he told them he was from New York. They really didn't know what to think of me until I glared at several of them, and they shrank back, frightened.

"Damn Yankees!" I heard several of them mutter.

Finally, we were taken to dinner in the captain's quarters. Several PB and J sandwiches, Dr. Peppers, and potato chips were being served by the dead crewman, next to a table lined in white linen with fine china on it.

"Tantalus ousted you guys from camp for good," Clarisse sat down and took a Dr. Pepper. "And Mr. D said if you come back, he'll turn you into squirrels and run you over with his SUV."

I snorted. "Like I'll obey Tantalus. I don't take orders from men, not even Dionysus."

Clarisse eyed me warily.

"Zade," I called up to the sky. "Any threats?"

Zade, who had been doing his usual job of scanning the area from the sky for threats, flew back down with a fish in his beak and landed on my outstretched arm.

Nothing, he squawked, gulping the fish down. Though I must say, the fish here are excellent.

"Good," I sat down across the table from Clarisse. Raiden sat down next to me and grabbed a sandwich. "So, what's the deal with this ship, daughter of Ares?"

At the mention of her father's name, Clarisse flinched. "My father gave it to me. I prayed for transport, and this is what showed up. Every losing side of a war owes tribute to Ares; it's their curse for being defeated. This crew will do anything I command. Isn't that right, Captain?"

The dead soldier in a captain's uniform nodded. "If it brings an end to this blasted war. I'll destroy anyone who gets in your way, ma'am."

"Real peaceful these guys, aren't they?" I muttered to Agro and Zade.

"Clarisse," Annabeth said. "We need to work together. Luke knows the coordinates of the fleece, and he has a whole ship full of monsters."

"No way," Clarisse took a sip from her Dr. Pepper. "This is my quest, Blondie. And you aren't going to interfere."


"I don't care what the Oracle said," Clarisse snarled. "You two will not steal my chance of being the hero!"

"Wait," said Percy. "What did the Oracle say?"

"None of your business," snapped Clarisse. "You're not helping me, so stay out of my way. However, I can't let you go either."

"So, we're prisoners?" Annabeth asked.

"Guests," Clarisse reclined in her chair. "For now, but if you don't mind your manners..."

She smirked. "I'll blow you out of the water. Captain, take them to the berth deck. Give them their hammocks."

The captain led Annabeth, Percy, and Tyson to a flight of stairs and out of sight. I, however, stayed put.

Twins of the Hunt - Book 2: Torn Apart ✔️Where stories live. Discover now