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             Awkwardly, I walked up to the boy who had called my name, avoiding the gaze of the 4 girls that still remained standing. Nonetheless, they all looked furious that I was the one chosen, rather than them. I wasn't going to deny the fact that I was sort of upset that I got chosen, but for some reason, something in the back of my mind is telling me I need to stay.

Luke handed me the paper heart, smiling. I took it, our fingers grazing ever so slightly. My breath involuntarily hitched, and Luke just brought back his hand really quickly.

After a little while, the last girl was standing, which meant that she had gotten eliminated. She started tearing up, and all the boys went to go give her a final goodbye hug. Some girls ran to her, crying, but I didn't understand why, they'd just met the girl. The girl waved, tears flowing down her cheeks, and excited the house, her bags waiting for her at the front door.

"So, boys. Now you each need to choose one girl for tonight's dinner, and one girl to take for lunch." George said to the boys, who just nodded. All the girls were talking excitedly amongst themselves. Daisy walked over to me, rolling her eyes. "Let's start off with who you're going to go to dinner with."

"I swear to god if any of them choose me, I will make sure I choke on the food." She said. I tried to conceal my laughter.

"Well," Ashton spoke up, which caused the whole room to go pin-quiet. "I'm going to take Olivia to dinner tonight." He smiled. I looked over at Daisy who pretended to throw up. Olivia looked over at me, and smirked, as if she wanted to rub it in my face that she got chosen for dinner. As if I'd been desperate to go on a one on one date.

Next was Michael. "I'll take Hailey." He smiled. A girl with light brown hair and dimples smiled, and the girl, looked over to the side to which I was assuming was her friend, and gave her a high five. Michael had a smug smile take over his face, and Calum gave him

Up next was Calum. I looked over at Daisy, who had on a look on her face that showed incredible disgust and I was able to tell she was trying to make it obvious that she didn't want to be chosen. But, nonetheless, Calum was oblivious and looked over at her, and smiled. "Daisy."

She groaned out loud, causing me to laugh. She earned weird looks from the girls surrounding her, but shrugged it off. Olivia glared at us, although that just made me laugh more. Olivia just smirked and turned around.

Next  to choose whom he was going out to dinner with was Dan. Dan looked over at Luke once again, who moved his head moving side to side as if to say no, then muttered, looking down; "Emily." A girl shrieked in happiness, whom I assumed was the girl named Emily, and while once again, my heart dropped to my stomach. I wouldn't say I was disappointed that Dan didn't pick me, but if I had to choose one boy to go on the dinner with, it would have been him.

George looked over at Luke, who just nodded. "I decided to go with Amelia Pond." He smirked. I could feel my face go red once again. I heard this girl next me smirk over to the other girl and said:

"She's getting as red as her hair, what a loser." And I just clenched my jaw, ignoring her snide comments. "Plus, she's as tall as a tree. A ginger tree!" I looked away. It wasn't my fault that I was 6'0, I could blame my parents, but I still don't remember who they are. Slowly, I was becoming more and more annoyed at the two girls. 

"Yeah, you know what they say about red head's, they have no soul." That was the last straw. I tried to ignore her, but that just pushed my buttons. I walked up to her and said:

"Yeah, well they also say that people shouldn't get boob or but implants but yet here you are." I sneered. Daisy burst out into a fit of laughter, followed by Luke, Dan, Michael and a couple other girls. The girl just crossed her arms and huffed loudly.

Marcus just crossed his arms, trying to suppress a laugh. "Annabeth." He said, trying not to laugh in between. A girl with dark blonde hair just smiled to herself.

"Now, now girls, let's not get too snarky here." George laughed. "Let's announce who you are taking to lunch tomorrow." George said, winking at the camera. All the girls re-adjusted their dresses, as if that was going to change the way the boys would see them. I rolled my eyes, still sort of upset at the comment that the girl had said. Dan awkwardly took the microphone from George, clearly wanting to say whom he chose first. This time, he didn't look at Luke before he said something.

Dan looked at me and smiled. "Amelia." I tried to suppress my smile, and my face must've turned three shades darker because Daisy looked at me and whispered in my ear.

"Don't look now, but Luke just stormed out of the room."

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