Why Lord? If this is how I die Lord...

49 2 2

Camp Half-Blood
2.18pm, Friday, August 26th, 2011

Percy Jackson 🌊🗽

I stare out onto the beach, seeing the waves crash onto the beach and then retreating back into the ocean. It was beautiful. The ocean was just so beautiful and wonderful, why would anyone want to ruin it? Fill it with oil, pollute it, drain it? You might think I'm being dramatic but the fishes care about it. The fishes are my friends.

Annabeth called out for me while panting , "Percy... got to... go.. big house... Rachel.. Prophecy... big.." I rush outside and Annabeth quickly catches her breath and then we run over to the big house. All of the cabin counsellors were there. The Hypnos counsellor was sleeping again. We take our respective seats, I next to the empty Hera seat and Katie Gardener, and Annabeth next to Will Solace and Clarisse.

"Now, Rachel can you repeat the prophecy?" Chiron said in his usual calm tone.

Rachel grumbled something about "I can't repeat the prophecy if I don't even remember it" but the oracle took over her and repeated the prophecy.

"Last of Hope for son of sea,
for it will slither away and set him free,
A Pharoah who has nearly met his end
and a boy who has met his end will befriend.
Descendant of Nemo is not a fool
For she is rebuilding her western school.
A Former foe or more shall return
and set the world into a forever burn."

What. Okay let's decipher this. Son of sea is most likely me, the Pharoah is.. Carter or Sadie maybe? They're connected to the Egyptian gods. Will someone come back from the dead? It would be a boy as the prophecy states... hmm.... Oh! It could be Magnus! He's dead. But the line 'descendant of Nemo is not a fool' is weird. 1) how is a fish involved in this? 2) Nemo is like... a kid! How could he already have descendants? I don't know about the 6th line as it connects to the descendant of Nemo, whoever that is. Also, former foe? Kronos or Gaea better not return, I had enough of them.. but maybe it's talking about someone Carter, Sadie or Magnus have faced! Although it did say 'or more' so I don't exactly know... And I definitely don't want the world in a forever burn. Forever burn is making me think of Tartarus.. I hope it isn't him. Maybe it's talking about that Ragnorok thing Magnus and Alex talked about! Also it was caused by Loki they said so the 'slither' could refer to him as he's associated with snakes. There's one last thing though, 'last of hope'? Pandora's b- jar.

I looked over at Annabeth, she seemed to be thinking the same thing. We both decided to tell about the Egyptians and Norse as we have not told anyone, Chiron probably knows though.

"So.." I say, dragging it out. "We have something.. to tell you.."

Annabeth takes the lead. "A couple of years back Percy and I.. met two people that were connected with thegodsofAcientEgypt." She said quickly finishing off the last bit.

I take the lead. "Their names were Carter and Sadie Kane.." I sighed any explained the rest with Annabeth adding things from her perspective.

Annabeth then explains the story of her cousin, Magnus Chase, and I add little bits throughout.

"A Quest is usually undertaken by 3 but it looks like this will be undertaken by 4.." Chiron says.

Annabeth perks up. "Or 5! Or 6.. maybe 7..?" Her, Sadie and Alex.

Chiron smiles "You both best get ready to set off tomorrow morning."

"I'd say we should leave by 3.00pm it's only 2.25pm, I'll make sure Percy gets ready in time." Annabeth smirks at me. I squint my eyes and stick out my tongue and Annabeth chuckles and rolls her eyes.

Chiron agrees with Annabeth and I head back to my cabin to pack

* * * * * *


Annabeth Chase 🦉📚

Percy and I walk through the Brooklyn alleyways. Percy was muttering something about how Manhattan was so much better than Brooklyn.

After a little bit of time we hear a noise. Percy pulls out his sword and I pull out my dagger. We hear a laugh and something snake like grabs my ankle and I trip.

"Annabeth!" Percy calls out.

I try to speak but the snake thing shuts my mouth. "Mmmhh mmhhh!"

Percy slices the snake thing and I'm let free.

Another snake like thing slithers out and another one and another one and another one comes out until we are overwhelmed.

I slice one then Percy slices another. Percy turns away then two grabs my wrists and another two grab my ankles and I'm pulled into the darkness.

"Percy!" I scream before blacking out.

* * * * * *

Brooklyn House
6.47pm, Friday, August 26th, 2011

Carter Kane 🏜️🗡️

"Carter!" Sadie calls out.

I perk up. "Hm?"

"Someone's here..." Sadie's voice sounded distressed.

"Sadie, what's wrong?" I say.

Sadie sighs "It's best if you come down her and see for yourself."

I walk down the stairs to find the whole ground floor covered in slimy, scaly, green snakes. They were on the walls, they were even climbing the stairs.

"Ew!" I exclaim. "What are we going to do about this?"

"No clue.." Sadie says. "Go get your-!"

Sadie screamed.

The snakes latched on to her and I got my koplesh and started slicing them but I was too late. Sadie vanished into darkness...



I hear a faint scream before the world goes completely silent.

Words; 1023

Hey! So this is a rewrite of a fanfic I wrote on my old account PjoNerdd . I liked the idea so I decided to rewrite the first chapter and hopefully continue it more!

Also Happy New Year! 🥳 I hope you have an amazing 2024!! But I wanna tell ya smth cool that I researched. All of the leap years since 2004 have been terrible. 2020 was covid, 2016; Killer Clowns, 2012; the end of the world scare, 2008; 2008 market crash, 2004; worst earthquake in the 21st century and so much tsunamis. Soooooo we are doomed ^^ Good luck guys!

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