chpater 1

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"MAPI I DON'T WANT TO GO LET ME STAY HOME WITH NALA" i screamed not wanting to leave the house tonight. "i don't care alexia we are going out tonight we just won the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! now get up get dressed ill be back in 20 when im back be at least somewhat ready" i look at mapi and at nala then back at mapi upon realising i really do not have a choice in this i accept defeat "okay ill be ready for when you get back" i said getting up "how dressed up am i getting ?" "it's a concert concert a very well .. gay concert so dress to impress id say ale" i can hear the smirk in her voice but it's mapi. i don't know what to expect . once i hear the door to my apartment close i head into my bedroom to figure out what the hell I'm going to wear .

after about 5 minutes i settle on an outfit and change into it and i've decided on very light makeup so im ready with time to spear

after about 5 minutes i settle on an outfit and change into it and i've decided on very light makeup so im ready with time to spear

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(a/n this is what i imagine her wearing but feel free to imagine her in anything)

soon enough mapi is at my door again this time with ingrid and aitana in tow "you ready to go then ale" i hear from towards the back off the three "yeah let's go don't want to be late who are we seeing anyway" i questioned "well we're off to see fox gunn she's up and coming she playing at that venue on way to that nice italian" mapi states idk who she is but i trust aitanas music taste mapis not so much and ingrid would be dragged along weather she liked it or not so im really just putting all off my trust into aitana right now but im sure i'll be fine.

we are in mapis car and almost at the venue doors open was 5 minutes ago so hopefully there won't be much off a queue and we won't get asked for to many photos tonight. i know we have just won the champions league so it's really wishful thinking but I'm sure it's going to be a good night anyway .
,well at least i hope so, i could be enjoying my pasta right now so mapi better not off dragged me to a boring night

Fox's pov
"Fox i don't mean to alarm you cause i know you go on in 10 minutes but" i turn to look at my manager isabella "isa what's happened oh my god what's happened-" she cuts off my rambling before i spiral "alexia putellas , maria leon , aitana bonmati and ingrid engen are all in the audience tonight" my jaw physically dropped "YOU MEAN ALEXIA PUTELLAS IS AT MY SHOW WATCHING ME PERFORM" the dressing room is dead silent "yes" oh my god "how do i look do i look hot please say i look hot but don't lie because if i don't i need to" i start obsessively checking my appearance in the mirror slicking my fingers through my dark roots almost certainly sending isabella insane but it's her own fault she told be ALEXIA PUTELLAS IS AT MY SHOW 10 MINUTES BEFORE IM DUE TO GO ON "YOU LOOK HOT GIRL NOW GET OUT THERE" so with one last look in the mirror i run out the intro before i come on is starting to i'm right on cue

i might have a lot off sex blasts through the speakers with my amazing band doing the same crazy shit they do every show but just a little better for the last show off tour right at home in Barcelona
i might have a lot off sex -that's my cue
i run out on stage the crowd is amazing but im still absentmindedly searching for alexia
But I haven't made love in years
Scared to commit 'cause it ends in tears
Can't open up, she says 'what do you want?'
Calls me a player 'cause I wanna take her home
i carry on looking through the crowd searching for her
But this time I wanna stay over
I think about her when I'm sober
I think I've developed a crush
This time I think that I'm feeling the rush

i've found her she's at the back with mapi

This time I wanna stay over
I think I've developed a crush
This time I think that I'm feeling the rush now
Feeling the rush, keeping it hush
Començo a pensar que m'ha fet un embruix
Diu que em vol veure, em posa nerviosa
Un parell d'hores i la tinc a casa
When I'm not there is she thinking of me?
Is she thinking of me?
I need to come clean
Do you remember when I said I wasn't scared?
Well, I guess I lied
Dare me to leave my pride
Put it aside, I swear that i've tried
I'm down for the ride
Take a risk and spend the night
Want you waking by my side
I'm terrifiedd

we have locked eyes by now i can't believe this is real and oh my god she is so much hotter in person i mean i knew she was hot but bloody hell

'Cause iImight have a lot of sex
But I haven't made love in years
Scared to commit 'cause it ends in tears
Can't open up, she says 'what do you want?'
Calls me a player 'cause I wanna take her home

i wanna take her home

But this time I wanna stay over
I think about her when I'm sober
I think I've developed a crush
This time I think that I'm feeling the rush now
This time i wanna stay over
I think i've developed a crush
I'm walking home at 2am
It's not a walk of shame
It's a stride of pride

i've decided to well be myself my usual flirty lesbian self i'm now basically flirting with alexia , in my head at least

When you look like that
It's a stride of pride
When it feels like that
It's a stride of pride
Not a walk of shame
It's a stride of pride
When you look like that
It's a stride of pride
When it feels like that
It's a stride of pride
Not a walk of shame
It's a stride of pride
'Cause I took a risk and spent the night
Now I wake up by your side
I'm terrified
'Cause I might have a lot of sex
I might have a lot of sex
But I haven't made love in years
Scared to commit 'cause it ends in tears
Can't open up, she says 'what do you want?'
Calls me a player 'cause I wanna take her home
But this time I wanna stay over
I think about her when I'm sober
I think I've developed a crush
This time I think that I'm feeling the rush now
This time I wanna stay over
I think I've developed a crush
This time I think that
I'm feeling the rush now

that song was hard to get trough i can't lie but why does she have to be so stunning . during the next few songs i think off something. This particular venue makes it so isa can stand almost on stage without being seen meaning i can talk to her easily in moments where all the lights are off so next time they go off at the end off use me properly ill run off and speak to her.

"isa get mapi alexia ingrid and aitana vip get david down there asap it's not safe for them down there i've already seen two people in alexia's shirt and were barley 10 minutes in"

champions league after partyWhere stories live. Discover now