chapter 3

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"Fox you were amazing like honestly unbelievable" Isabella shouted hugging me as i got off stage "thank you so much! that crowd was amazing i know its only a small venue but they were insane" i scream back at here and we walk to the green room to unwind slightly after the show even though you don't really come down from the high off a show for a while we at least try. Tonight my sister is playing in about two three hours so i probably wont stay to long so i can watch her. Just as we were about to reach the green room isabella walked in the other direction which confused me since i've played this venue before she knows where it is "ISA where are you going the green room is this way" i shouted down the corridor "im just going somewhere ill be back asap, okay ?" she shouted back at me "yeah ill see you soon but i cant stay to long i have to watch -" she cuts me off "yes yes i know you have to watch your sister ill be quick people want to see you!" damn that woman knows me well almost to well, its scary. whatever i head into the green room and make myself look slightly more presentable since i do look a bit off a mess after a show. Once i've put some more gel in my hair and put on some comfier
clothes and sat on the sofa and opened my phone to see a few people tagging me off concert videos and reply to some fans saying how good the show was. After about 5 minutes off aimlessly scrolling i hear a knock at the door "la puerta está abierta isa" (the door is open isa) (a/n i'm really bad at spanish so if my translations are awful im really sorry so if i stick to english i'm really really sorry)
i put my phone down and look up to the door that now has 5 people waking in one i recognise to be Isabella but i can't se ether other 4 until they are fully into the room where i recognise to be the same 4 i had recognised in the crowd earlier. Mapi Leon , Aitana Bonmatí , Ingrid Engen and ALEXIA PUTELLAS are in the same room as me is at this moment when i realise i have my old Barcelona basketball jersey on as I'm watching my sister play in america tonight. Right this is embarrassing "i hope you don't mind fox but i thought you might want to meet these four" isabella states with a smirk on her face knowing exactly how ill react after seeing my reaction to even knowing i'll be in the same building as them earlier. "no i don't mind at all hi i-i'm fox hope you enjoyed the um s-show" i say as confidently as i can with them in front of me i was saved from my trying to hide the gay panic by Ingrid speaking up "it was amazing we all loved it ... especially ale" mapi then proceeded to punch alexia and alexia giving a warning look making mapi cower away making me laugh. "well im glad you enjoyed the show" i say slightly more levelheaded than the last time i spoke but still not entirely convinced that i dont look a nervous wreck. "so basketball ?" aitana questions bringing me back to reality "yeah i'm watching my sister later on so i put on the only jersey i had with me which ironically turned out to be my old Barcelona one" i say proudly happy to talk about my sister as the proud sister "wait , YOUR old barcelona jersey?" alexia finally speaks up questioning me , putting the emphasis on the your. "oh um yeah i used to play for barcelona basketball until i was 18" i state kind off awkwardly "Picked the right team does your sister still play for barcelona?" alexia now talking more confidently come to think off it why was she so nervous i mean she's the ballon d'or winning footballer , im barley filling a 200 cap venue but that's something to think about another time. "no she plays over in over in america she's like really really good she runs circles around me and i'm not the worst" i answer proudly talking  about my sister will never not make me proud she's amazing and has become so successful.
"well we're going out for some drinks now if you want to come" aitans announces from toward the back off the group "are you sure don't want to intrude" i state not wanting to interrupt their plans for tonight "no i promise your not intruding i mean we paid to see you tonight so if that says anything"
ingrid states happily. After her assuring me i'm not bothering them by coming i quickly grap my things and we head out off the back off the venue mainly for their sake. mapi alexia and ingrid get in one car and aitana comes with me so i know where to go "do you mind if i call my sister quickly" i ask just wanting to wish my sister good look on her game. "no not at all" aitana replies with that i put my phone on speaker and call her

"hii good luck tonight are you starting ?"
"yeah i'm starting in point guard tonight"
"well i might not be able to watch it but i have my barcelona jersey on for you"
"wait fox why aren't you watching have you got a date and not told me because you can't say your watching football because the season is over im not dumb fox"
"no i don't have a date im just going out for some drinks"
"okay we'll have a good night if your not drunk in someone's bed by the end off the night call me ?"

(a/n i don't know her actual name and team so im just going to say her sister is called layla because i don't know any spanish basketball players that play in high leagues so her sister called layla and plays for new york liberty)

"oh so you are on a date" im bright red and aitana is laughing at me
"layla." i say in a warning tone
"okay okay i'll stop but the Barcelona team are out so if you bump in alexia don't stop breathing"
"layla have a good game now shut up i don't have a crush on alexia goodnight"
just before i cut her off
"the poster on your wall at mums says"
i cut her off before she could finish that sentence
now this is going to be an awkward night i look over to aitana who is now laughing at me even harder "so alexia" i looked away "she's lying" i try to repair some off the damage but it's no use my sister had unintentionally outed me "don't worry alexia couldn't stop staring at you she was bright red that girl is head over heels and she said less than 10 words to you"
not proofread sorry
any suggestions would be welcome i'm very new to writing
please check out my other book it's called lost between the laces
also FOX GUNN they are a real artist she is absolutely incredible very gay and loves Barcelona Femeni so i will put all the links to her tiktok and spotify below
she is also playing in london on the
22nd february 16+ Folklore
15th February (smaller no age limit)

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