Act Eight - Think I'd Let You Do This Alone?

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Hugh stuffed his journal into his satchel, along with some smokes and food. The heavier supplies like his tent and bedroll were packed onto the horse. Hugh named his brown Arabian Bourbon, because of the color of course.

He's never been nearly as close to the horse as Arthur is with his horses. Especially Boadicea, and Copper. Arthur loves those animals more than anything, well he did. Poor Copper died a few months back. He lived a good eleven years. He was a good boy.

With the sun just barely rising above the horizon Hugh saddled up, checking one last time he had everything he'd need for however long he'd be gone. Then he took off.

He hadn't the smallest clue of who the people were, and why they did that. Why they wanted to kill him, and why they managed to mess it up and kill the wrong guy. Hugh figured the best place to start was back at the cabin where everything went down, surely they must've left something behind right?

So with the wind blowing fast and cold through his hair Hugh galloped to the cabin with anger. He'd show these people what justice was, he'll make them pay. And as the sun finally rose enough to shine into his face he reached the small hut.
"I'll be right back boy," Hugh said to his horse, patting it gently as he hitched it to a tree.

He walked up to the cabin door, putting out a shaky hand as he gripped the door handle. His breathing quickened as he started to hear gunshots in his head.
"Stop! You're fine..." Hugh said to himself, rubbing his head as he powered through and opened the door.

The door creaked open just as it had a month earlier, only now the place was empty. But blood was still dried on the floor, Hughie adverted his gaze immediately at the sight of it. His eyesight getting blurry.

The cabin was small. Just a single room, an old tool shed is a more accurate description than a cabin. Crates were littered about, empty bottles, some cocaine gum, and other nonsense. Nothing seemed particularly helpful until Hugh found a coat hung up behind the door. A black overcoat.

He grabbed it, rustling through the many pockets he found a photograph. He looked at the image carefully and noticed the faces, those were the people that did this. They were standing in front of some sort of mountain like this was a framed portrait.

The mountain looked snowy, terrain was wild and full of hills. It looked like it could be up north towards the coast but he can't be sure. He's never been there. Only ever seen photos and had it described to him as full of rain and mountains.

Suddenly the door swung open and Hugh flipped around to see Arthur, standing there with a tired look on his face.
"What the hell'r you doin' here?" Hugh asked,
"You really think I'd let you do this alone?" Arthur smiled, setting down his bag as he looked over Hugh's shoulder at the photo. "What you got there?"
"These are the people. All of 'em. I think this is around Oregon."
"That's Mount Hood. Yeah, that's the new state alright."

Oregon was a new addition to the U.S. only being founded three years after Hugh was born. Arthur's seen that mountain a long time ago, and it's right where Oregon lays now. Somewhere around Portland.
"How do you know?" Hugh asked,
"I've been there. Long while back."
"How long's the trip?" Arthur sighed, tapping his scabbed chin before muttering,
"Few weeks. Shouldn't be too bad."

Hugh looks at the dried blood again, suddenly hearing Ron's screams. The way his face twitched when the bullet was buried into his skull. Everything started to fade into a blur, his mind shaky and unclear as he fell over. Arthur's voice became quiet as he completely passed out.
"Hugh? Hughie! Goddamnit!" Arthur shouted, shaking the brunette in a useless attempt to wake him.

Arthur briefly considered dragging Hugh back home, to get him in a better head space but he'd just leave the second he woke up. So somewhat defeated, Arthur sat Hugh up on Boadicea, climbing up behind his partner and holding him in front of him.
"Giddy up." Arthur muttered, the horse taking off as he headed west, "You too whatever your name is." Arthur barked at Bourbon.

Arthur spent the whole day riding, not stopping even once. By the time the sun was beginning to set Arthur was so sore from riding he about fell off the saddle.
"Easy..." Arthur said, bringing the stallion to a stop as he hopped down.

Arthur laid out a bedroll, carefully placing Hugh on it as he started working on a fire. It was a pretty nice night, no wind, no rain, nice and even sixty-five degrees outside. It was a perfect night for sleeping under the stars.

The blonde boy finally got a fire going, the warm and bright flames so warm he cheered. Arthur took out some venison, cutting it in half as he held it above the flames happily.
"A-Arthur?" Hugh suddenly groaned as he rose from his bed,
"Finally yer up." Arthur scoffed, he's been out damn near ten hours.
"How long was I out?"
"Since we left." Hugh still somewhat delirious mumbled,
"Is it tomorrow?"
"Just about."

Hugh shook his head, sitting up as he scooted closer to the fire. Arthur took the meat off the flames and took a big bite, practically inhaling the food. However, he also gave Hughie half of the cut and he ate it the same way.
"You don't have to come wit' me Y'know?" Hugh said,
"I do," Arthur said simply, sitting back against a log as he sighed.
"I jus' don't want you to feel like you have to."
"I'm here because I wanna be. I liked Ron, what happened to him wasn't right."

Hugh nodded, leaning back as well as he looked up at the sky. Small white dots sprinkled the black void above them, each star shining and glowing.
"Y'know it sure is beautiful," Arthur mumbles, lying down next to Hugh as the boys stare at the stars.
"I promised I'd keep him safe," Hugh mumbled, "I failed him, Arthur."
"There was nothin' you could've done." Hugh wanted to believe it, but there were so many other things he could've done. He could've gone in and shot up the place before they could've grabbed him, he could've stayed back with John, he could've put up a better fight, he could've tried harder to convince them to stop. He could've done so many other things.

"You ever think about dyin'?" Hugh said suddenly,
"Nah I don't care 'bout that nonsense," Arthur muttered,
"Ugh. Face me or the west, so I can watch the setting sun. Think about all the good times we had."

Arthur can only hope his death is heroic, he hopes it's something not as scary as it is calming.
"I knew you had a heart," Hugh said,
"What about you?"
"I'm afraid of dyin' alone. To die without anyone seems like the worst way to go." Hugh sniffled,
"HUGH!" Arthur shouted, suddenly Hugh watched as he was hit upside the head with a rock. Arthur too as they were taken away in the night.

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