I. The Everyday Life

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It was a shiny morning and Po found himself blinded by the sun peeking through his window. "Gosh, this annoying sun!" Po muttered to himself and tried to get up in order to close the window. But instead he ended up falling off the bed hitting the floor with a thud. "Can this morning get any worse?" Po asked himself.

The panda rose up and slowly walked toward his window. Before closing it he decided to peek out and enjoy the fresh morning air where he took a deep breath. He slowly closed the windows, trying not to make a sound as the others were probably sleeping.

The door to the barracks was suddenly heard closing.
You know, Tigress was maybe not sleeping after all. The others though was not too risky of a bet to make. *snore* and he was right, Monkey was heard snoring lightly from across the corridor.

The panda walked to his dresser and looked at his mirror to inspect his hair. Not everyone wakes up with goddess-level hairstyles after all. That little patch of extra fur on top of his head stood right up. "Great" he muttered and patted it down, to no avail as it kept standing.

Po decided to wet his paw down with his saliva in order to flatten that spot on his head.

"Finally." Po cheered as he succeeded in flatting that annoying hair patch down. He looked at the wooden Furious Five figures and smiled. It was still an unreal sensation. The very fact he was friends with them at all amazed him.

Po scanned through his room before eventually heading off, down to the kitchen.

Before reaching the kitchen, he decided to look out the exit to see where Tigress went. Po scanned through the palace yard to see if she was there, and sure she was. She was headed down for the training hall. Quite typical of her, Tigress is the only one out of the Five who starts their morning with intense training.

Po sighed and closed the door, stepping towards the kitchen in order to make some breakfast.

The panda quickly made up some tea and ate a few dumplings that were left since yesterday. He decided to quickly head out of the kitchen and down to the training hall to meet Tigress, though he had to be careful. He was holding two cups of tea. And he didn't wanna spill that, did he?

After a minute of walking and balancing the teacups, Po reached the gates to the courtyard. He shoved the gate open only to find an empty yard with only two nun chucks and a few bamboo sticks on the ground. But it wasn't quite silent there either, further away, in the training hall to be exact, intense training was heard, rapid beating, the wooden gauntlets getting destroyed one by one.

Po walked across the yard and pushed the doors to the training hall open, only to be met with a wooden chunk flying just an hairstraw above his head, making his hair patch stand up yet again.

Tigress looked at him and flinched. "My bad."

Po shrugged it off and gently sat down by the side to watch her train.

"Are you finished or are you gonna keep up, Master Tigress...?" Po asked, putting the second teacup beside him on the floor. Once he sat down appropriately, he let his legs dangle of the edge to the training area itself.

"I.. I guess I'm done."

"Great! I have just finished making some tea for ya, if you'd like."

Tigress smiled at the panda and gently maneuvered across the hall to sit down beside him. She took the teacup into her hands and drank from it. "Thanks, Po."

"No problem Ti." Po said, looking at the training equipment. "Tell me, what brings you here so early?" he asked.

"Nothing much really, I just like to kick off the day with some training to keep myself in action."

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