Chapter 1: Dawn of the Dumpster (Part 1)

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"Twenty-five years ago," Mayor Jerome Stone said as he sat behind his desk, staring directly into the camera, "the final battle between the Power Rangers and the United Alliance of Evil took place in our fair city of Angel Grove."

Pausing for dramatic effect, Mayor Stone rested his hands on the desktop before continuing. "That day saw the defeat of the Alliance but also marked the last time our brave heroes have appeared in battle as well. Some of them have returned to a civilian life, withdrawing from the public view to maintain their privacy. Others, as we well know, have embraced the spotlight and gone on to do great things with their well-deserved fame and fortune."

He paused again, tilting his head upwards slightly in a way that made him seem like he was looking at something far in the distance above. "Some have headed out into the stars, either to return to their home on another world or to seek out new life and new civilizations."

His face grew sadder as he resumed looking at the camera again. "And of course we cannot forget, we must not forget, the ones lost to tragedies unrelated to the battles they fought on our behalf for five long years."

The mayor's memorial speech continued on the television, but Jason Oliver had to stop paying attention as a rolled up white towel was flung at the back of his head. Grunting in annoyance at the impact, he narrowed his brown colored eyes and turned to glare at the one who had thrown the towel at him.

"Come on, Jason," his sister Sarah taunted, bouncing from foot to foot on the practice mat that was in the center of the work-out area of the Bulk Up Gym and Juice Bar, "We've only got an hour until we have to go meet dad and we still need to settle what we're getting for lunch."

"Okay okay," Jason grumbled as he smoothed out the front of his red karate gi and turned away from the television behind the main juice bar.

The Bulk Up was a relic of an older time. Its neon colored walls and floors were overpoweringly bright with cut-outs of palm trees and neon tubes of many colors molded into the shape of "tropical" suns on them that were remains of the time it had been called The Surf Shop. It was TOO much color, in Jason's opinion, and he preferred going to the gym that was in Stone Canyon, even though that was not currently an option.

Straightening out her own dark green colored gi before reaching back to make sure her equally dark, black hair was secure in its long ponytail, Sarah waited for Jason to take his place on the other side of the practice mat. The two then bowed to each other before they both adopted a fighting stance and Sarah beckoned Jason towards her with a wave of her hand.

Jason carefully approached, lightly bouncing on the balls of his feet before lashing out with a forward kick that Sarah blocked with a sweep o fher left arm. She counter attacked with a right straight punch, which Jason just barely blocked with his own right arm before he took a step back. He then attempted to go for a surprise sweep, crouching down as he swung his left leg to try and strike hers.

Sarah almost casually hopped over the sweeping kick and then lashed out with a kick of her own aimed at Jason's chest while he was still in a crouching position. Jason managed to bring both of his arms up to prevent the blow from landing but the force of the strike was still enough that he lost his balance and fell onto his back.

"Not a bad idea," Sarah said as she took several steps back, "but you're still hesitating when you crouch down before you do the kick. You have to do it fast and smooth or your opponent will see it coming a mile away."

Jason frowned slightly before doing a kip up to get back to his feet. The two of them once again took on their fighting stances before Jason took the offense again, throwing three quick jabs with his left fist before trying a knee strike aimed at Sarah's stomach. His sister blocked all of his attacks before she crouched down and lashed out with a sweep of her own that was so fast Jason barely had time to register she was doing it before his legs were knocked out from under him and he was flat on his back again.

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