Who's Your Daddy?

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                                 Chapter Two...
                           Who's Your Daddy?...

               A STRANGER IN my room. 

"Hello?" I call out. This is how the blondes in horror movies die. Good thing I'm not a blonde and always stays ready for anything. I slip off the beaded bracelet off my wrist and flick the plastic jewels, the colorful bracelet on my arm made by Annabeth now turned into a giant mallet. A long thin rode twice my height with a round cylinder on the end of it drags behind me while I carefully inch towards the pillar. "Show yourself. I have a weapon."

I could just be another camp kid. One dumb enough to stumble into my cabin unannounced while I was changing. Dumb enough to not come out when I first called out to them. Idiot. I lift the mallet up, readying myself for a swing. "Come out now." I call one last time before both my wrists rest above my right shoulder. 

A boy jumps out at me with his hands out in surrender. 

I didn't know whether I should hit him or not until he spoke. "Okay! OKAY! I thought you were still changing!"

"Why are you here?! Get out of my cabin." I drop my weapon. It creates a loud thud when I drop it. 

He panics, his eye darting between me and the weapon. "Why were you going to kill me?!"

"I wasn't going to kill you. But that doesn't matter, because you're in my cabin! You're not supposed to be here-...but you are here. Which means you're one of us," my shoulders relax a little. Even if I should have my guard up more, he's one of us. He got through the veil, so he's a half-blood. Most likely unclaimed and unknowledgeable of where he is or who his parents are. The weapon transforms back into a bracelet in my hand; I slip the jewelry back onto my wrist and place my hands on my hips. "Who are you?"

"Who am I?! You almost killed me what that thing! And it magically turned into a bracelet?! And where am I?!" he exclaims.

I roll my eyes. "If you would tell me you're name and where you're from, I can probably help you."

"My name is Percy Jackson...and I'm from New York City...where is this place?"

With a slight sigh, I step closer towards him. "Got any weapons on you? If you do and choose to use them on me in any way, I'll seriously hurt you, Percy Jackson from New York City," I warn him. "You're safe here. This is a camp called Camp Half-Blood. It's a camp protected by an invisible barrier for demigods, offspring of humans and the Gods."

"You mean like...Greek Gods? Zeus and Hades?"

I nod. "And many more. Who brought you here?"

"G-Grover did," he stammers. "He went to get a teacher or something. He told me to wait in here."

My irritation only grows. Grover? I'll kill him when I see him, don't you doubt that. "Grover brought you here, huh? Interesting," I clench my jaw tightly. "so you know who your mommy or daddy is?"

He raises his brows for a moment, then furrows them. "I'm Sally Jackson's son."

"No, dipshit. I meant a God or Goddess. Have you been claimed yet?"

"Claimed?" he questions.

"That's a no," I couldn't contain my annoyance anymore. This kid Grover just brought a random kid into my cabin to...what? Sit here and wait for him? Idiots. "Why did Grover say you need to sit here and wait for him?"

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