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Kiyana Pov.

"I have crush on him that's it." Meera said

"you sure?" Meera nodded I walked back to close the door.

"Meera you know why we took a cousin code of not falling in love." I said and she nodded

"and you know I will go against everyone if you wanna break it."

"Kiaa my love. I know and I will tell you if something is wrong." she said hugging me

"but tell me were you kissing there?" she asked all of sudden

"I-no we didnt" I replied as I remembered that incident

"aww someone is blushinnggg" she said with a loud teasing voice

"Aye Kowshik will listen."


The days has passed and both families has started to do their shopping's for marriage.

Nandha's were beyond happy as the eldest in boys is getting married to the girl who can handle his everything. They were peaceful in Kiyana's matter as They knew she is perfect for him and her up bringing is perfect and she can get adjust in their family. even though something was stuck in heart's of the daughter-in-laws of the home about the bad things happening, but they were very sure Chirag will manage everything. The moment they saw Kiyana in someone's marriage they were very sure about the fact she can handle him more like ONLY SHE CAN HANDLE HIM. and they weren't wrong about this. his cousins were happy seeing him smile after years and him being him around her. they were more than thankful to her and they promised themselves they will protect her from the people of her family. and will never let her face things their mothers faced!

Alampati's were happy on one hand and sad on other hand as they princess is going to be someone-else's now and they will get to see her once in a while and listen to her complains for less time now. Her father was sad as no one will give him medicines and smile at him when ever he is tensed and stressed, her mom was thinking how will she be without her princess, the same goes to her babai and pinni. while her cousins were thinking how will they stay without her, who will handle all there midnight cravings and on other hand Kiyan was scared what will he do if Kiyana leaves him? he will now be a guy who has everything but have nothing with him but he was happy she is thinking about her self now!

While the bond between Kiyana and Chirag is growing day by day and the thoughts in Chirag's mind were getting doubled . Kiyana is with mixed feelings about going to his home and leaving her's but somewhere is sure she will never face any problem if he is besides her. Chirag is happy that he is getting married to his love of life and was confused about their past.


"I want that!!!" Kashvi screamed her lungs out

"EXCUSE ME I BUYED IT SO I WILL DR---" Ishaan was cut of from shouting when Chirag took the chocolate from Ishaan and giving it to Kashvi

"Ah thank youuu~" Kashvi said hugging Chirag

"even Im your cousin." Ishaan complained

"I will buy you whole chocolate company but not the one my sister wants" Chirag replied before pulling Kashvi's cheek and walk away

"Rey did you pack your bagss?" Ishaan asked

"I will."

"Where is maa?" he asked them

Nandha Shiv Chirag - The arranged loveWhere stories live. Discover now