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Gukk pov

Hyung why is he doing this ? Why he hate me sooo much  did I do someone to piss him

" gukk! "Tae said

" yea ?" I said

" stop thinking about him I said he's a brat " tae said

" hmm...." gukk said sadly .

" aww my gukkie it's okay everything gonna be alright hmm?"jimin said

" Yeah gukk just don't worry and don't let him do anything to u or else I'll beat the shit out of him " Tae said ...

"Calm down hyungie "gukk said

"Yea yea " Tae said

" soo let's go 🏡now ?" Jimin said

" yea after all the first day of college was worse truly" Tae said

I just smiled a little

Other side

" Kook! " namjoon yell as he run after him

" what?!" Kook said

" wtf was that ! Stop  bulling him and tell us everything! " Yoongi said

" What u wana know huh!?" Kook stop

" who is he !? Why are u doing this to him! " yoongi said


Every student hear and they all tremble at voice

Little did he know Other three were also hearing them

Once again gukk eyes filled with tears

" awww gukkie leave him please just don't u don't want cry infront of him right ?" Tae said

" be strong gukkie ! Be strong " jimin said ..

" I...I wana go..h-home please? I want a-alone time " gukk said

" Yeah sure gukk we understand " tae said

As they left and gukk went to his house

Gukk pov

I reached home and open the door and slide  down  the door

And cried his heart out

That cry was full of pain everybody will cry after hearing his voice

" whyyyyyyyy! God whyyyyy always us !"Gukk scream and cried

He went to his room And tried breaking his and jk childhood photo frame but stopped and hug the frame

" I love u ... I fucking love u soo bad " gukk said

Gukk cried

Other side

Kook was driving like crazy he was speeding up

" yahhh! U gonna get up killed Kook! " namjoon said

" just shut up! "Kook said ..

Suddenly jhope stopped the car

" wtf ?!"Kook said

" I'm done I'm going !" Jhope said

"Then who stopped u ?"Kook said

" I said that someone stop me?" Jhope said

" well no will stop u " Kook said

" Yeah yeah I'm toxic after all " jhope said

" no doubts " Kook said

" just shut up both of  u! "Yoongi said

" u have new friends now why will u care about old ones " jhope said .

" if the old ones are like this then why will care about them " Kook said

" ur the one who's toxic here" jhope said

" ik  I've got many awards "Kook said

" of toxicity " jhope said

" yup " Kook said

"Guys stop u guys are best friend hobi u understanding kookie is not in his right mind " namjoom said

" bsf my ass " Kook said

" chance ? U think I'll talk to him now?  Never " khope said

" then don't please " Kook said

"Ugh " jhope said and leave from car .

" u guys go I wana be alone !" Kook said

" kook-" "GO !"

The two of them also left

Kook start the car and went bar

" bring the shots!" Kook order ..

As they started to brink ..

" more !

I said more!
Brink the bottle !

It's been night and he's still drinking

" more!" Kook said

" sir I'm sorry but I can't give u more drinks u are already drunk " manager said

" who the hell are u   ! Call the maneger" Kook said

" I'm the maneger sir " manager said

" Shut up I want drink !" Kook said .
"  sir it's not good for ur health " maneger said

Kook come to punch him but he passed out

Aish I know this would have happen .

Maneger took Kook  phone and enter this phone call

He dailed a   number which was on top

" hello ?" The person said

" sir it's maneger of xxx bar actually the owner of this phone passed out because of drinking  alot " maneger said .

" ohhh I'll be coming please take good care of him" the person said .

The person reached the bar

" where is he?" He asked

"There " maneger said

"There u are little brat !" Jhope said

Jhope picked Kook as he take him to his house

Jhope  made Kook lie on bed

" umm..I'm sorry hobi hyung" Kook said

"It's okay just sleep" hobi said

" hyung I love u your the first person I've ever talked to u if I ever said bad to u I'm sorry u held a great spot in my heart I may act selfish and stupid sometimes but I love u all I love u hyung don't leave me please hyung please  you guys r my everything hyungs if I ever do something wrong just hit me and show me right path just don't leave me " Kook said

" ik u were a soft heart person Kook and today u proved it ..people say a person say truth whenever he's drunk ....hobi laugh ...I'll never leave u my bunny your the best and cute " hobi said.

And saw kook already sleep

Hobi laugh and left from room


Byy byy

Words =878

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