Chpt. 1 (little piggy in a basket.)

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so I know I have quiet a few other books that I've been kinda slacking on, but, here is something new! Also! really not sure about the title of the book, if you have any suggestions just let me know!!
I don't really have to much to say about it, so I really hope you guys enjoy!!

Kurt's POV

"Hey Z" I call out, hearing the soft bubbling sound from the portal.

I get no response.

With my curiosity peeked I get up and head into the portal room. I look around slightly confused, there is no one. I shrug and turn to leave, but right as I reach the door I hear a soft grunt.

I turn around, confused. there is a small wooden basket sitting in front of the portal, what appears to be a light pink blanket in the basket.

I approach the basket cautiously. something in the basket moves ever so slightly. I carefully pull back the blanket, revealing a really young looking pigman.... What?

There is a neatly folded piece of paper in the basket beside it. I pick it up and unfold it.

My tribe is falling apart and I can't take care of her anymore, please make sure she's safe, and has a good life. her name is Dezeray.

Ummm... what? I fold the note and stick it in my pocket. I step through the portal, hoping to find.... who ever left her.

But to no avail. the person... or pigman is gone.

When I step back through the portal, she is crying loudly. oh god.... what do I do?!?

I pick up the basket and move it to the living room, frantically calling Z.

Zisteau's POV

I quickly duck into one of the alcoves I built blocking the entrance. I answer my phone.

"Hi!" I say

"Z! you seriously need to come home!" Kurt says, with crying in the background

"Umm.... what?"

"Just get home Zisteau! this is serious"

"Ok... be there soon" I say and hang up

I quickly make my way back through the tunnels and to my base thats set up beside the monument. I throw all my stuff in a chest and hop through the portal.

I quickly make my way to the Mindcrack server portal and hop through.

Kurt's POV

Z rushes into the room and comes to a stop, a very confused look on his face.

"She won't shut up! what do we do?" I say gesturing to the baby

"Umm.. who is she exactly?" Z asks

"Here" I say handing him the note "maybe we should call Aurey.... or Guude... or someone"

"Huh..... um, yeah... Aurey... i'll go call her" Z says, leaving the room

I look down at the little pigman... confused, and slightly annoyed. I wish she would shut up.

"Aurey's on her way over" Z says coming back into the room.


"Where did you find here exactly?"

"She was in this basket sitting in front of our portal"

"Just sitting there?"

"Yeah.... "

"Z! Kurt!" Aurey calls out

"In here" I yell back

Aurey walks in the room and over to the baby "awe! she's so cute!!"

I just sigh. "Can you just help us, please?"

Aurey ignores me and picks her up, rocking her gently in her arms. she almost instantly quiets down.

"I didn't know you guys were adopting" Aurey says, looking up from the now quite baby

"W... we didn't" I say, feeling my face heat up


"She was sitting in that basket in front of our portal with this note" I say handing her the note

Aurey carefully re adjusts the baby and reads the note. "Awe!! Dezeray is a cute name!!"

"What do we do?" Z asks

"Well first off, you have to take proper care of her, which means you'll need a crib, a playpen, a stroller, a changing station, diapers, bottles...."

"Woo, woo there.... I don't know if we can take care of her" I say, cutting her off.

"Well, you'll just have to until we can figure out who left her"

"Couldn't you take care of her?"

"No, I have Boo, and don't even ask about Guude and Bdubs, they have Apple to take care of."

I pinch the bridge of my nose "neither of us know how to take care of a baby, let alone a pigman baby!"

"Well, Zisteau's a pigman, so you've got that part covered. And, I will teach you how to take care of her."

I just look at her... this is hopeless

"Oh.. don't give me that look, you'll be fine dads. now, here, take her." Aurey says carefully handing me Dezeray.

I awkwardly take her. Aurey shows me how to properly hold her.

"Now, i'll go call up Bdubs and have him help Z with setting up a room. you guys just wait here." Aurey says

I look at Z "how are we supposed to take care of a baby?!?"

"I don't know!"


"Ugh Indeed"

I chuckle "indeed"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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