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🌷Authors pov 🌷

The first gentle rays of dawn tiptoed into Yn's room, coaxing her from the warmth of her designer sheets. With a soft yawn and a toss of her perfectly tousled hair, she blinked away the remnants of sleep and reached for her glimmering, diamond-encrusted phone. A cascade of notifications greeted her, a chorus of luxury and extravagance that awaited her attention.
Her morning began with a languid stretch, her feet gliding over the plush, imported rug as she strolled toward the lavish vanity. The soft caress of couture robes enveloped her frame, the delicate fabric whispering tales of exclusivity and sophistication. Each step echoed a story of opulence-a symphony of privilege that danced through her opulent sanctuary.

Her fingers traced the polished surface of her vanity, a trove of treasures from distant ateliers and coveted brands. Fragrances ensconced in crystal bottles, their scents born from the world's most sought-after perfumers, mingled in the air. Cosmetics, each delicately crafted and sourced from the four corners of the globe, awaited her touch.With meticulous care, she applied each product, a routine embellished with a touch of elegance. The mirrors reflected her flawless visage-a testament to her refined morning rituals. She draped herself in fabrics that whispered tales of sophistication and donned jewels that gleamed with the secrets of luxury, all while the world outside remained oblivious to her opulent routine.

The room exuded an air of refined extravagance, a mask that concealed the void within-a glimpse into the gilded cage of wealth and privilege Yn inhabited, where every item bore the mark of affluence, yet failed to fill the emptiness that lingered beneath the surface.
Yn glided down the stairs of their upscale mansion, her university textbooks hugged against her designer outfit. The grandeur of the dining hall welcomed her, adorned with elegance that mirrored her own refined taste.

Seated at the table, her father, a figure of sophistication in his tailored suit, flipped through a stack of papers with a furrowed brow. His gaze lifted momentarily at her entrance, acknowledging her presence before returning to his documents.

"Morning, Dad," Yn greeted, her voice carrying the buoyancy of youth as she took her seat. The clink of cutlery accompanied her movements, a subtle symphony amidst the opulent surroundings.Her father glanced up, a mixture of fatherly concern and a hint of exasperation in his eyes. "Good morning, Yn. Running a bit behind, aren't we?"

Yn chuckled softly, reaching for a muffin with a casual air. "Just fashionably late, Dad," she quipped, her tone a blend of mischief and nonchalance.

Their interactions, a familiar melody of his expectations and her carefree spirit, danced around the table. Despite their differing worlds, an unspoken understanding tethered their relationship-a delicate balance between academic responsibilities and Yn's penchant for a lifestyle that seemed at odds with her father's desires for her.

The sleek lines of Yn's luxury car glided her through the vibrant city streets, gradually transitioning into the hushed tranquility of the university campus. With an air of effortless grace, she emerged from the car, her designer bag casually slung over her shoulder. The campus buzzed with the fervor of academia-the eager chatter of students, the fluttering of paper against the gentle breeze, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee lingering in the air.

Amidst the throng of students, Yn's sharp gaze caught sight of Hannah, her exuberant best friend, nestled on a nearby bench, engrossed in her phone. "Hannah!" Yn's voice rang out, a mix of warmth and excitement as she made her way over to her friend.Hannah looked up, her face breaking into a wide grin at the sight of Yn. "Finally! You're fashionably late again," she teased, a playful glint in her eye as she nudged Yn gently.

Yn laughed, her melodious voice carrying through the bustling campus. "I prefer making an entrance," she replied, her smile radiant as they fell into step together, navigating the pathways toward their shared lecture.

Their camaraderie flowed effortlessly, conversations weaving seamlessly between shared laughter and heartfelt confidences. As they strolled, Hannah regaled Yn with the latest escapades of their university cohort, her animated gestures punctuating each anecdote. Yn listened intently, the sparkle in her eyes reflecting the genuine joy she found in these moments with her best friend.Did you hear about Alex's prank in Professor Smith's class?" Hannah exclaimed, her laughter infectious as she recounted the hilarious incident.

Yn chuckled, shaking her head in amusement. "Classic Alex! I swear, this place wouldn't be the same without our resident prankster," she quipped, the fondness evident in her voice.

Their banter carried them closer to the lecture hall, the bond between them a constant anchor amidst the ebb and flow of university life.


In the heart of the bustling corporate landscape, Jeon Jungkook commanded his realm with a silent prowess. As the sun ascended to its zenith, casting its golden rays through the towering glass walls of his office, Jungkook stood as the epitome of unwavering professionalism.

Clad in a meticulously tailored suit that exuded sophistication, he cut a figure of controlled authority. Every gesture was precise, every movement calculated-a testament to the disciplined aura that surrounded him. His posture remained unwavering, shoulders squared, and his gaze, piercing yet enigmatic, held a depth that belied his years.

Behind the imposing mahogany desk, amidst the symphony of ringing phones and hurried whispers of assistants, Jungkook navigated the intricate web of his business empire with a calm demeanor that spoke volumes of his expertise. His decisions were measured, his words few but purposeful, earning him the respect and reverence of those who orbited his corporate sphere.

A fleeting smile, a rare glimpse of warmth, would occasionally grace his features, a testament to the humanity that thrived beneath the veneer of professionalism. Yet, behind the meticulously constructed façade lay a man of enigmatic depths-a man whose success echoed through the corridors of the business world, yet whose private world remained shrouded in mystery.
Jungkook sat behind his expansive desk, the epitome of composed authority, his gaze fixed upon the labyrinth of reports and charts sprawled across the polished surface. The interplay of sunlight danced through the towering glass windows, casting fleeting patterns upon the tastefully adorned office.

A discreet buzz interrupted the serene ambiance-a signal from his personal assistant echoing through the sleek intercom on his desk. Jungkook pressed the button, his voice resonating with the trademark calmness that defined him. "Yes?"

"Sir, the boardroom is set for the meeting," came the efficient voice of his personal assistant through the speaker."Thank you," Jungkook replied crisply, his tone unwavering. He leaned back in his chair, a measured exhale betraying a momentary break in his composed facade. Swiftly, he gathered the documents into a neat stack, his movements precise, before rising with an effortless grace that belied the weight of his responsibilities.

The crisp click of his heels echoed through the spacious office as Jungkook made his way purposefully toward the boardroom. Each step exuded an air of silent determination, a testament to the disciplined rhythm that governed his professional life.
As he approached the boardroom door, his demeanor shifted imperceptibly, steeling himself to step back into the realm of strategic negotiations and meticulous decision-making. With a poised hand, he opened the door, ready to navigate the complexities of the corporate world once more.


𝕸𝖞 𝖚𝖓𝖈𝖑𝖊'𝖘 𝖋𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊  -JJK(21+)Where stories live. Discover now