𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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 𝐀 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞

"There's lots of work that needs to be done"


 Groaning groggily, an ache of pain pulses through your body. Your eyes were currently shut, you were still trying to cope with the pain that had struck you moments before. I mean- you'd just popped out of thin air, crashing into the hardwood flooring below! Ouch...

After laying limply like a doll for a couple more seconds, you deem the moment fit for finally opening your eyes. In the process of that act, you also sit upright, legs sprawled out in front of you.

Not much happened during that moment of silence, except opening your eyes to be met with... that.

Four eyes, four eyes blinked back at you in bewilderment, complete astonishment. But one pair of those eyes seemed a little more hostile, sinister even. Like they were threatening you, a warning.

There stood two people in front of you, one protecting the smaller person behind them. From you. The threat.

What? Threat? You? HAHA! Don't make me laugh.

Right... You'd popped out of thin air, you are a potential threat to them.

Recollecting your senses, fight or flight kicked in. You'd been through this a million times (not really) and seriously, the best course of action was to skedaddle out of there. So off you went. Picking yourself up in a second, you took a mere hitched breath before whipping around and sprinting down the nearest hallway. 

'I should just go back home!'

Well too bad, because you'd used up all your current power, so you were stuck with being in this world for a while. How gullible of you, you'd blown your very first trip here- okay well it wasn't your first, your first time going to this Universe was just to get old money and return to your current timeline to sell it and get rich off of old money. That's the good money.

'Crap... I already blew this.'

And indeed you did, only getting a few stretched lunges in before being abruptly yanked back by the back of your shirt. Quite rudely too.

"Ittai doko e iku tsumorina nda? Omae wa ittai dareda."

'What the fuck?' Squinting at the man behind you over your shoulder, you then realize just how fucked you were. 

"No ablo englo?" Chuckling nervously, you squirm nervously in his grip. Being held up by your collar was uncomfortable, and painful at that. Your shirt was wrapping around your throat, limiting your access to sweet oxygen. 

Feeling the glare on you, you then wonder what happened to the other person who was there. And as if on queue, their hand was gently placed on your captor's shoulder.

Hearing a couple of soft, feminine words being spoken, hour-long seconds passed before you were suddenly dropped, slamming strikingly painful back into the floor you were well aquatinted with by now. You might as well be on a first-name basis with it.

Looking up while on all fours, basically groveling at their feet, you make eye contact with those two people.

The male had light blue hair, almost green as it then faded into black at the tips. Lavender eyes stuck out like a sore thumb compared to his pale skin too. Glaring daggers as you, you decide to then advert your gaze towards the woman.

The woman, was truly gorgeous if you had to be honest. She wore a decorated purple Kimono, her black hair was tied up and she had soft and quite sad purple eyes too. Those looks they both shared you, were completely different. The lady pitied you yet was still on guard, while the male was leaving no room for you to try anything fishy.

"Anata wa nanimonodesu ka, sugu ni setsumei shite kudasai." The man crossed his arms, tapping his foot expecting an answer from you. 

"Right... I never got to learn Japanese." Muttering under your breath, you prepare to just by time by talking to the man, who you'd identified long ago. Yushiro. And of course the angel herself Tamayo. Speaking up, you raise an accusing eyebrow to see how this situation would unfold. "Who the hell are you, crazy kidnapper? I bet therapists love to see you when you walk into their office since you have blue hair, the day you show up is the day they get their biggest paycheck!" Pointing a finger at the utterly lost Demon, you stand up and face him properly. 

Wait! Before we progress any further, it might be nice if you got some information on what's happening, right? I think you kind of get the idea, but let me help you out a bit, dear reader.

Basically, Y/n, you, possess the ability to warp between universes. It's hard to believe but it's true.

Ever since you were little did you use that power of yours? It overgrew overtime, whether you are smart about your ability or not isn't your problem, you turn out just fine in the end anyway. It doesn't bother you what version of a reality you go to either, you could go to a world where a TV show is real, or in this case, the world of Demon Slayer.

Originally you had intended to drop by to try street food and pay those people making it handsomely (you were going to steal it) and then pop out of existence, back to your original world. But you'd forgotten that you had spent the entire month before that hopping between realities, doing whatever you pleased. Something about this power, however, is if you overuse it your power will be drained. Thankfully not forever, but it could take quite some time. Which is a pain. And in this case, you were now stuck here for who knows how long.

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¿ʇɹɐʇsǝɹ oʇ ǝʞıl noʎ plnoM

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