Birthday Dinner (16)

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3rd Person's POV

Josie wakes up at 7 in the morning she didn't get up right away since Hope was laying on top of her as she was going to move Hope from on top of her Josie's phone chimed she got a text from Hayley letting her know she's ready Josie slowly and carefully moves Hope off of her so she can take a shower and get ready

1 hour later

When Josie was finished with her hair she grabs her phone and kisses Hope's cheek then head out the door to knock on Hayley and Klaus room

Hayley: you ready

Josie: yeah

Once Josie and Hayley get inside the car they immediately take off to Elena's house

Josie: ok here's the plan I don't want to know the gender without Hope so Elena will tell you and you can it a surprise however you want

Hayley: (smirks) Alright

Josie: Hope and I are having dinner at 7 with her new boss so you have plenty of time to plan and get everything together

Once they arrived at Elena's house they quickly head inside with no warning scaring Elena a little

Elena: wow slow down what's the rush

Josie: today is Hopes birthday and I wanted to get back before she wakes up and make her breakfast and by the way don't tell me the gender only tell Hayley

Elena:Alright alright let's get started then

10 minutes later

Elena: ok everything looks good I can tell what gender they are if you want to see Hayley

Hayley: sure

Elena: I can text you their gender if you can't tell and I can confirm they are both witches and werewolf but I don't know if they have vampire blood in them or if they are siphoners as well but they will start doing magic really soon so we will know then...they also seem to be a bit weak tho have you been eating right

Josie: of course

Elena: ok umm I know you don't eat bacon or meat a lot but you might want to start both of your babies are werewolves it will make them less weak then what they are now and if you get a intense sense of hunger like really strong it means they do have vampire blood in them and I would advise drinking blood to get rid of the hunger O negative to be specific

Hayley: why O negative

Elena: because Hope's O negative the babies are OB negative you can also drink B negative I only recommend Hope's blood type specifically because it's stronger and will be more effective but your blood type will work to Josie

Josie: ok

Elena: an even though it's been a actual month your actually 4 months pregnant because of Hope being a tribrid and on top of that your a siphoner and their werewolves and your having two

Josie: that makes sense

After a couple of more tests they finally are done and start heading back to the school Hayley calls everyone making sure they do there part for Hopes small party

Hayley: ok so I will text you when everything is ready

Josie: ok we will probably be back by 10 or later but I will let you know when we are on our way back

Hayley: perfect and Josie I wanted to thank you

Josie: for what? (Confused)

Hayley: for loving my daughter for her and being there for her she's been through so much and at times she wanted to give up and breakdown but you were always there for her

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