M/Melissa Kira

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Melissa Kira
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Unknown
Grade Rank: 1
Species: Human, Titan Shifter
Height: 6'4
Weight: 73kg
Birthday: November 24th
Relatives: Mrs. Kira, Mr. Kira, Light Kira
Status: Alive

•Melissa goes by M, no one knows her real name besides her mom, dad, her brother Light and herself
•When Melissa was young she used to get bullied
•Melissa is a sweet addict yet she never gets fat (L from Death Note, anyone? No? Ok.)
•Melissa never told anyone her affiliation. She doesn't wear the jacket that has the affiliation image on it. She just wears her white hoodie and gray sweatpants. She does where her 3DMG and boots though.
•Melissa is the leader of a secret society of titan shifters that are against humanity. There are quite a lot of members
•Melissa and her brother Light are twins.
•Eren killed 4 members of the secret society, which angered Melissa greatly

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