chapter 2- 10th century

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" Eloise wake up please

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" Eloise wake up please." her mother said as she banged on the door trying to wake her up.

Eloise didn't reply, so her mother opened the door walked towards the window and pulled the curtings to the side so the sun beamed into her room. 

"Get out mom." Eloise moaned in annoyance. Wanting her mother to leave her alone to sleep.

Just as she thought her mother left she pulled the blanket off of eloise harshly.

"Hurry up and wake up now." Her mother said laughing at eloises annoyed face.

After her mother said that she walked out of eloises room.

When eloise got dressed she rushed downstairs hoping she wasn't missing breakfast.

(Her outfit)

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(Her outfit)

As she reached the kitchen her plate of food was just sitting there waiting for her.

When she finished she looked around wondering were everyone was. That was until she heard mikael screaming at niklaus.

"If you wanna fight, fight me like a real warrior." Mikael screamed at niklaus angerly.

She didn't really know what was happening so she went outside to check it out to see if she needed to step in.

As mikael started to swing his sword at nikalus she was worried since she knew how much mikael didn't like niklaus.

As soon as she saw mikael graze klaus with his sword she was furious at mikael. So she used her magic.

"Motus" eloise whispered not wanting anyone to know she done it. She didn't realise how strong she was until a huge fire occurred near mikael.

Mikael started backing away from niklaus as the fire was spreading towards him.

Her mother left there home to see what all the noise was about. When she exited the house she saw the fire going towards her husband. She looked around to see who could of done it and she saw Eloise glaring at mikael.

Just as the fire was about to hit mikael ester used her magic to pit out the fire.

When the fire stopped everything went back to normal. That was until ester wanted to speak with eloise.

"What was that I saw you do earlier." Her mother whispered angerly towards eloise.

"Nothing, I was just helping niklaus since you don't want to do it yourself." Eloise shouted angerly back towards her mother.

"Okay, go to bed and cool down for tomorrow." Her mother said softening her tone.

As she walked into her room she saw niklaus sitting on her bed.

"Hey, what's up?" She questioned her brother.

"Why did you do that for me." Niklaus responding to her. She was confused at first not knowing what he meant. Until she figured out what he meant.

"Well your my baby brother I will always protect you." She whispered back to him as she hugged him.

After a while of hugging her brother she told him to go and get some sleep since it was getting late.

Once he left she changed out of her dress and into something comfortable for bed. When she was finished changing she walked towards her bed and laid down.

She couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. So she just layed there thinking of what happened today.

She didn't know she could do that. That was the first time she had done anything like that.

After a while of thinking about what happened earlier in the day she soon fell asleep.


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