✦ { Corina } Saving Michael

73 4 0

Client: MissKairosclerosis

Reviewer: Lady-of-ink

"Saving Michael" tells the story of Emma Abbot, a young teacher who got a teaching job at a prestigious school, and Michael Weston, another teacher at the same school

 It's a very interesting story. I feel that the author has managed to catch my attention from the start, although that might have something with the differences between the English schools and the ones in my country that first awoke my curiosity. Still, I was definitely invested in the story by the end of the third chapter.

Unfortunately, I can't say the cover is very attractive. The title is rather small, and the couple is a bit hard to see. I like the blurb, and I feel the author doesn't share too much, even if they give us enough details to be interested in this story.

The pace of the story isn't rushed, and it's flow is rather nice. I loved the author's descriptions and how easily they were able to make me picture everything. I can't say I've seen a story like this one before. Sure, there are thousands of romance stories with age gaps, but making the main characters teachers is something I haven't seen. I have to say that, in my opinion, it was also a good idea. Instead of having one of the characters be a student, it's better Emma is also a teacher and an adult.

The characters seem very complex. Emma is an interesting character to read about, as well as the woman who greets her, and Alice seems the kind of character we all love. Michael is, truly, an enigma who I haven't been able to fully understand yet, but I can't wait to do it.

The grammar seems good from what I've seen. I haven't noticed any mistakes. What caught my attention is the author's way with words and the way they beautifully described the school and the classroom. Of course, the book's correct grammar is an advantage.

In conclusion, I think the story has a lot of potential to be a very good one.

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