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What comes to your mind when you think of magic or fantasy?
Perhaps mystical creatures or magic. What if you found that such a place existed parallel to our world?

You must have heard of the concepts of multiverse and parallel universes, what if the existence of these could be proven scientifically?

Delayza, a scientist was working to prove that the concept of multiverse was more than a myth, something that actually existed beside Avengers.

She had built a device that she lovingly called 'gateway'. The device actually fit its name for it was a gateway to another universe. The device was faster than the speed of light, a concept used to built time machines that were so famous in her world. But along with beating light speed, it was also a culmination of numerous physics' concepts that enabled it to pause time for the fraction of a second. The device that looked like a time machine, yet much more advanced was her only key to proving her belief.

But there was a problem.

If she failed to accomplish the task of travelling through the open 'gateway' to a parallel universe in less than a second, unpredictable things awaited her. She could burst into a million pieces and die or she could get lost in an endless abyss.
And that was scary keeping in mind the fact that she barely had a social life and her basement; a lab, was her only refuge.

"You can do it Del," she whispered to herself, forming a fist and patting her chest. After taking a deep breath, she decided she was going to do it.

She went inside the tubular structure, a green coloured slender glass tube, large enough to fit 2 people at once. She stood right above the raised platform for her feet and under the protruding ceiling.
Anxiously, she pressed the switch on the controller in her hand and the platform she was standing on became a black abyss much like the protruding ceiling.
She had less than a second, but somehow it was enough.

Delayza vanished from the 'gateway' and appeared in a totally new place. Something that seemed much like a parallel universe. The controller in her hand stayed the same and her body was a single unit. She succeeded.

But it was yet to be confirmed.

Her theory of parallel universes was that another universe would be either ahead or behind our universe in timeline and that there were two possibilities : it could be either that the incidents of our universe would reoccur in a parallel universe, but with a few changes. Or it could be that the things considered impossible in our universe could simply exist in another universe.

She had to confirm which one was true.

Suddenly, she noticed one difference.

Her body was a single unit but it was like a cartoon or comic character; in 2D. She was like a picture on paper now. It was fascinating.

As she walked around, she realised that women wore outfits she'd seen on those suffragates in her history books; but in 2D. That was the time of French Revolution and during the World Wars. She was unsure of the year but was well aware that she saw our universe's past in 2D.

Incidents of our universe can reoccur in a parallel universe.

She summoned 'gateway' by pressing the controller and surprisingly it was also in 2D, she clicked the button again, in hopes of seeing another unexpected universe.

This time, she found herself in a universe that looked much like ours; 3D, but tonnes more beautiful. The trees were exceptionally green and there was a massive entrance, approximately 10 metres from where she stood. The entrance was made of all sorts of precious metals and had birds with golden wings sitting on top of the doors. But the birds had human bodies, yet they had wings and claws. They were beautiful women who sang an alluring song.

Delayza walked towards them when she was stopped by something that looked like the hybrid of an eagle and a lion. A Griffin?

And the alluring singers were Sirens.

The pair of Griffins and the Sirens swirled around her and about a minute later, the gateway opened and she entered inside.

The site of a lavender fountain greeted her before she noticed the enormous lavender coloured lake. The hue of the water wasn't the only surprising thing, she witnessed mermaids swimming in the 'water'.
Then a gigantic castle appeared in sight as half human, half horse creatures stood guards; centaurs. The centaurs checked her before letting her in.

As she entered the castle, a misty voice emerged behind her.
"Who are you?"

She turned to see seven men, they wore robes that looked like the richest quality. The diadems on their heads and the magical sticks; wands in their hands appeared royal.

The one who spoke wore a velvet blue robe and his wand read 'Namjoon'.

"I'm Delayza."

"That's not enough introduction lady," the man who wore pink robes spoke, his wand read Seokjin.

She assumed they were their names and observed them all.

The red robed man was Hoseok, the black one was Yoongi, the golden one was Jimin, the one who wore purple was Jungkook and the green one was Taehyung.

"If you're done reading our names, may we know the reason you're here?" Namjoon sarcastically asked.

"Actually I'm from another universe, I came here while on my journey to travel parallel universes." She bit her lips, there's no way they would believe her. She sounded like a fool.

"Atleast someone from another universe has a brain." Yoongi looked at his companions.


"Just because we wear robes and have your so called mythical creatures in our world doesn't deprive us of sciences," the one dressed in purple mocked.

"Where am I? Which universe is this?"

"Delayza, you're in Cerdona, the land of all knowledge and fantasies." Hoseok smiled.

"Cerdona is the supreme universe, the one that has the knowledge of the past, the present and the existence of other universes; the home of Gods," Namjoon explained.

Both her theories about parallel universes were true.

"Who are you then?"

"We are the guardians of Cerdona."

She couldn't believe what she discovered

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She couldn't believe what she discovered.
It was madness.



Word Count : 1049 words


Magic, Dreams, Time Travel, Fairies

Write something about what you thought when you were young. A passage or a story that your mind created when you thought of the above words. Or a creature, magic, magical place you are fascinated about. Or a magical place you wish to visit/ wish to exist.

This is a short story written for Word Cosmos contest hosted by armykoyola.

Thanks for reading 💜

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