The pearl of his world

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((Warnings: None, this is pure fluff. I'll save the angst for a riddle fanfic))

Out of the blue for Neige, Floyd surprised him with reservations at a highly rated underwater restaurant for their 2nd anniversary date. Although he loves Floyd with his fairest heart, he does his best to not question Floyd's scruffy methods at affording such lucrative places. Neige was hoping for this anniversary date that it would be a great time to relax from being an actor and a caretaker of 8 people. Tracing his eyes over Floyd's text, he quietly sniffled back a mousy laugh and read one last time to make sure what he read wasn't playful banter.

"Wanna date and think serious life thoughts at the Krusty Krab?:^)"

" Sure! What time & spot are we meeting up, dear?"

Sure, Floyd may be devilish & a lil goofy, yet whatever he was plotting for their date, and Neige was assured it would be something worth the peculiarity. While waiting for the details, he lightly applies a deep coral eyeshadow, wondering how Floyd is going to pull off a Krusty Krab themed date. Banging knocks at the door snuffs Neige out his thoughts; he walks up slowly to the door peephole, only to jump back.

Grinning up at him through the hole's was Floyd's snickering grin. Neige's eyes rolled to the side, shaking his head too before opening the door to Floyd's surprise hug. Within a second or two, a bouquet of honeysuckles was tucked into his hands with a note attached reading:" Pure happiness, for what this bond is".

"Aww, thank you,Floyd, for these sweeties. So where is this Krusty Krab?" Fits of boisterous giggles bounced from Floyd as he leaned forward to Neige's level to lift his head. "You'll see, moor bae!" Before Neige could even give a questioning pout, Floyd already carried him bridal style to their ride to go undersea.

After a long-prepped scuba gear session and chit chatting later, they finally arrived at the long-awaited establishment. The Krusty Krab.... not a holy sight to lay eyes upon, but a glory meal to get indeed.

Deadpan in his gaze, Neige is starting to question reality a bit as Floyd happily steps out the door, holding his hand up for Neige to take. He expected the Krusty Krab to be more of a sea cuisine place specialized in cooking krabs.... not a burger patty restaurant.

Shaking himself out his thoughts, Neige obliges, taking Floyd's hands. Perhaps the joint was much lovelier in customer friendliness than he expected. As both make their merry way into the restaurant, they were greeted by a flat tone bored octopus reservationist dressed in a silky black suit topped off with a pink bowtie. On the nameplate, Neige discovered the employee's name to be Squidward.

"Good evening, Mister Leech and Mister LeBlanche. We eagerly anticipated your arrival with deep concern. If you wish, please come with me to your table."

For a brief second, Neige turned to Floyd, only to be met with a more poised face of grace. Quite odd out yet appreciative of Floyd's sudden maturity, Neige smiled only sweetly and nodded to follow their guide, Squidward inside the Krusty Krab.

Heading swiftly inside, Floyd ushered Neige to the first immediate table; he waited excitedly for Neige to notice all heavy attention to detail. Neige took a hint of Floyd's gesture at their reserved table, and his eyes grew watery at the sight in front of them. On the table, there were pastel red & creamy white napkins lying on a white satin tablecloth. Sitting neatly on the napkins were baby blue origami swans and golden apples. Neige was breathless at the thoughtfulness and organized manner which he was presented with. 'Wow, he actually cares'

"Hey Bae, do ya love it? Pulled a couple of strings (pockets), but I wanna put more ease and elegance in my efforts to show you that I care for you."

Floyd inquired, looking straight forward into Neige's eyes for any disapproval, yet he was greeted with a small kiss planted on his nose by his boyfriend.

"It's truly perfect, dear. I love it!" Neige exclaimed as he retracted back into his seat happily.

To return the favor, Neige was peppered with a kiss on his forehead by Floyd leaning forward to give it. His cheeks grew rosy red as the eel whispered endearingly:

"Anything for you Neige, for you're my pearl"


Author's note:

For my first fanfic on Wattpad, I hope it was enjoyable on some degree for any reader! Plan to add some hcs and maybe some drawings/sketches to accompany them ,lol.

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