Chapter 19

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1 Year Later

Veronica is in Jail for pushing Cheryl and killing her baby

Veronica parents are very mad with the daughter but still stand by her it's there daughter

Betty has moved on from her cheating husband she's still single works as an FBI agent and spends time with her son Dean

Cheryl and Toni moved to New York with the kids Toni owns her own photography buisness and Cheryl quit her job and let Midge taker over her company. Cheryl has been really distant with the kids and Toni. Cheryl can't have any more children.

Jason and Polly are happy together with there twin boys life is going good for them and running the family buisness

Jug and Valerie are married and there happy then ever they bought a house together and everything

Sweetpea and Tabitha are doing great too there happy with there daughter and spend quailty time together happy family .

one more chapter to go then this book is done

Cheryl- Was laying in bed all morning

Toni- Got the kids ready to school and now went to go check on Cheryl walks in the room Cher babe

Cheryl- Yes Toni

Toni- Are you up do you want anything to eat or drink I dropped the kids off to school I'm off work tonight I thought maybe me and you can have a date night tonight I want to go see this comedy romance movie do you want to go with me rubbing her thigh Toni was getting hard just sitting there they haven't had sex in a year since the hole thing with Ronnie

Cheryl- Smiles sure T.T I would love feels her self getting wet touches her hand what time does the movie start tonight

Toni- At 7pm so we can eat dinner at 5pm then head that way sounds good kisses her on the lips

Cheryl- Kisses back thank you for being patient with me

Toni- Yes of course babe I'm going to do some house cleaning you relax we have date night tonight I'm excited giggles

Cheryl- Laughs your a dork

Toni- I am ha! leaves to get the house cleaning done

Betty- OK Dean I'm dropping you off with his dad for the weekend you ready baby

Dean- YES!

Betty- Giggles that's my little man pokes him

Jug- Hey I have to leave for work Betty is dropping off Dean can you watch him while at work

Valerie- Of course babe kisses him good luck on your books

Jug- Smiles of course babe kisses her and leaves for work

Betty- Were here grabs his bag and get's Dean out the car holding his hand ring the door bell

Val- Opens the door hello smiles

Betty- Hello Here's his stuff he's alergic to peanut butter I have his epi pen here too

Val- Oh ok thank you very much

Betty- Bends down have  fun kisses his cheek

Val- Grabs his hand come on bud have some board games we can play and watch movies does that sound great

Betty- Smiles get's in her car goes to work

Reggie- Smiles Hello there beautiful

Betty- Blushes hello kisses his cheek

Reggie- We lots of paper work but we still on for our date tonight

Betty- Of course hugs him let's get this paper work done

Reggie- Music to my ears giggles

Tabitha- I have to go pick up Cheryl's and Toni's kids from school they spending the night

Sweetpea- Awesome holding his little baby girl in his hands rocking her back and forth

Tab- Smiles she's adorable our little antoinette I love you and her

Sweetpea- Me too Babe I love you too kisses her I'm going to work I be back late working the hospital

Tab- It's ok baby I can handle the kids and stuff just order some chinese food and watch movies

Sweetpea- Ok babe hands her the baby kisses her I see later tonight in bed winks

Tab- Get out you perv!

Sweetpea-Smiles and goes to work

                                                                                       Date Night

Cheryl- Dress casual went downstairs to meet Toni

Toni- Hey babe grabs her hand you ready

Cheryl- Smiles yes sweetie let's go eat dinner and enjoy this movie

Toni- Smiles yes we will opens the door for her

Cheryl- Thanks babe

Toni- Drives to the diner they sit down eat dinner laugh together

Cheryl- Puts her arm around Toni's shoulder and leans her head on her I love you so much Toni

Toni- I love you to babe kisses her head squeezes her thigh

Cheryl- Smiles grabs her hand that was some good food

Toni- I know right let's get to this movie

Cheryl- Yes get's up jumps on Toni's back

Toni- Laughs haha I got you babe I will carry you

Cheryl- Hahaha yes kisses her neck

Toni- Smiles get's in the car goes to the movies sits down with pop corn and drinke

Cheryl- Cuddles to the side of her the movie begins

Tab- Holding her little baby Toni and the boys walks in the house I Have board games set up and I order pizza and chinese food so you can both let me go put my baby down to sleep and we can enjoy the evening

Liam- Yay!

Ian- Your awesome goes to the living and digs in the food and puts the movies on

Liam- Eating this is good

Tab- Ok I'm back sits in the middle

Ian- Here's your plate

Tab- Aww thank you eating

Toni- Drives back home

Cheryl- I had a great time thank you love

Toni- Kisses on the lips

Cheryl- Kisses back and deepens is make love to me

Toni- Are you sure

Cheryl- Yes baby make me feel good

Toni- Picks her up heads to the bedroom and they make love

I will write the last chapter soon

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