X - The perfect plan

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Me, Justin and Darren walked off to our classes. Apparently some of us have the same class as the upper years. What kind of logic is that? Do they just teach the same thing every year then? God this makes makes no sense. But whatever. Sadly, Justin wasn't in the same class as Darren and I. Sucks for him I guess. Although I did feel bad, he was my friend after all. But you know whos class I was in? Haha you guessed it! Sebastian Moy! Boy wasn't I lucky? Man this might be the best day of my life! Me and Darren sat at the back, right next to Seb and his friends. Best place to be. Keep the thoughts happy and positive to keep a good character. I was very ready for this day. Or not... Vianna sat right in front of me. How... fun, I guess? God I don't care about her so don't pay any attention to her. But won't that be rude? I'd feel bad if I do that. She sat right in front of me. But that didn't bother me, in fact, I didn't mind at all. This would be better after all.

"Hey Ryan! How have you been? I know it's only been a day but I'm still worried about you, you know? You matter too me."

"Haha, I'm fine! Thanks for asking! How 'bout you? You doing all right?"

"I- Yes! I'm fine thanks! I thought you would never ask me that again. It makes me really happy to hear you ask me that."

"Well, you're my friend, aren't you? And friends care for each other, and trust each other with everything."

"Oh Ryan, you don't know how much this means coming from you! I love you Ryan! I really do! Take it in any way you want! As a friend or as me confessing to you. But you are dating Seb, so you might just take it as from a friend. But whatever way you take it, just know I love you."

"Aw, I'll take that as a confession. I'm not dating him anyways, though I might... He's kinda cool, can't lie."

I looked over at Seb who quickly looked away when he saw me look at him. He was blushing very hard and had a smirk on his face. Why do I even try at this point? I looked over at Darren who gave me the thumbs up, but he was also giving an expression of confusion. Oh well. I thought I was doing well to get this guy. Ha, this is going to be fun in a way. Boy I can't wait till everything falls into place. God I'll be thanking the moon more that the earth if this really happens. Can't wait!

"Oh... Well that's fine! He's an awesome guy! You two would make a great couple I guess. Well, if you ever need help getting him, I know him like the back of my hand. Trust me."

I wonder why she said that. Does she know him or something? Are they friends who are secretly gonna get together and break every ones heart by bullying them and ruing friendships? Seb is the one who bullies and Vi is the one who breaks people's heart. I know that from experience and from seeing it with my own two eyes. Crazy, huh?

"Thanks! But, you're cool too you know. I guess you have changed. Maybe what you said was true. Did you really love me? Or was it fake, to make your friends, who apparently left you, happy? Oh never mind. It doesn't really matter anyways."

Seb looked at me right in the eye. We made eye contact for a few seconds. God he was scary. I had to quickly break it before I turned red. I heard him chuckle. God I was getting annoyed by that sound. I needed it too stop before it gets stuck in my head, playing on repeat. That would be real torture. I saw the girl from yesterday, the one who asked for my number. The one who I was having lunch with. Oh great, how will I sit with Seb now? I know, I'll just sit with her or a few mins and then go to Seb. 1000 IQ idea. I'm too smart for this world. I should be a tutor! then I can make others smarter, they will pay big time for making them a genius, I will get the money to by a house and leave home forever! That would be a dream come true! I would probably take my sister too. She hates that house, maybe just as much as me, and I don't blame her.

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