✧ ⋅⋆ ── 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗼𝗻𝗲

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° - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 -˚
trent and grace meet, feeling
instantly attracted to each other
but she leaves the next morning
❪ real life ❫
*warning: became a bit spicy

the party was already in full motion when she arrived. she had been able to hear the music two blocks away already but standing in front of the huge house was something else again. the vibrant beats and sounds of music echoed through the entire street with people already outside, talking and partying on the lawn. she could make out the faint voice of rihanna sounding through the house along with people's laughter. she thanked her uber, telling him to keep the change and took a deep breath before making her way inside.

she shouldn't have been alone at this party but once amara had something set in her head, there was practically no stopping her anymore. especially when it concerned her boyfriend. the two had originally planned to stay in london for a week longer after amara's benefit performance — but the latter had changed plans and had chosen to rejoin her boyfriend in france, supporting him during his next match. leaving grace alone in london (although she couldn't complain much because all expenses had already been paid). still she would have preferred to be here with someone she knew because she was pretty much feeling like an outsider here.

going to the party had been a spontaneous idea. she had rekindled with an old friend of hers that she had met during her relationship with tammy but with the bad ending between the two, she had never desired to stay in contact with any of his friends, choosing that it was better if she just closed the chapter. and now she found herself here, at her party even though they hadn't even exchanged more than ten words when they had met again in a cafe. grace hated herself for being convinced by amara that she should let loose and go. 'cause judging by the way people were already throwing up behind bushes, nothing good could come out of this.

"you can do this," she thought to herself, taking one last deep breath before she stepped into the huge house. grace was instantly met with people dancing vividly while loud voices screamed into her ear and plastic cups on the floor. if she didn't know any better, she would say, she was at an american high school party.

the skimpy, black dress she had thrown on shimmered in the faint light as she made her way through the huge crowd of people, doing everything to prevent herself from ending in the middle of the dance floor. her face scrunched up when her nose picked up the smell of sweat and probably weed, shuddering as she tried to make it as quick as possible into the kitchen. but she didn't get far. milla had already spotted her.

"grace, omg, you came," she yelled to make sure she was heard over the music and all the other people. "and you look smokin' hot. damn girl, you were hiding all this with tammy."

even though she felt a small pang in her chest at the constant reminder of him, her face showed none of it. instead a fake smile graced it as she reciprocated the hug from milla. she had thought she had distanced herself enough from him and london to not be associated with him anymore but then again— milla had the emotional span of a teaspoon; it was impossible for her to pick up the hint.

"for a moment i thought you had gotten lost. but then i thought, she lived here, of course you'll still know london." milla giggled, making it clear to grace that she was already drunk. and considering, their break-up (if they could even call it that) was two years ago, no, she did not know london anymore.

grace's cheeks started hurting from the amount she was smiling, yet her face stayed composed. "getting lost in london? never. it's like my second home," she lied, laughing along with milla. it used to be a second home but now all she could connect to the city was humiliation.

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