Chapter 8

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(Bill pov)

I slowly peel my eyes open, seeing we're in the same room I woke up in after meeting Dipper. Looking up I see Jean lifting up my the bandages wrapped around me. I laugh slightly feeling her cold fingers touch my skin, my laugh startling her slightly.

"Sorry, your hand is just really cold and it kind of tickles."

"How are you feeling?"

"Just fucking fantastic." I sit up, her keeping a hand on my back. I take off the rest of the bandages that had been wrapped around me. All of my injuries are healed up by now, the rest of my body is still very fucking sore though.

"That was a very brave thing that you did."

"Did it work?"

"Yeah." She points to the far wall of the room. Mason lays asleep on a cot, wearing a red flannel over a black shirt. His hat lays on the floor and his black leather gloves are back on his hands. "He refused to leave until you woke up. He took a few of your more charming personality traits for a while. But we all survived it. I think he's a little taken with you."

"He wouldn't be the only one. How is the professor?"

"He's good. He'd like to see you once you're up for it."

"Tell him I'll be up there soon."

She leaves the room, the door closing behind her. I climb off the table grabbing my shirt and yellow leather jacket pulling them on. I walk over to Mason. In the light I see that the big streak in his hair is white, not grey. I sit on the edge of the cot as I gently shake his shoulder. His eyes slowly open but once he sees me sits up hugging me tightly. I smile as I hug him back.

He lets go before punching me hard in the shoulder. "Do not ever do that to me again. I mean, seriously? Did you really have to be the second guy that I kiss and nearly kill? You think I want someone that I like to die just from kissing me?"

I rub my shoulder, it sore from his punch. He hits a lot harder than I thought. "Well, at least I got to kiss you at least once." His cheeks go bright red before he hits me on the shoulder again. "Ow."

"Thank you, for saving me. But don't die again."

"Trust me, that is the last time I am going to come close to dying." I can't make myself stop looking at his white streak. He sees me looking at it and pulls his hat on to cover it.

"I kind of like it. It looks pretty cool, don't you think?"

"Yeah. What's your plan now?"

"I think I'm going to stay here. Get my GED and all that, maybe find someplace that is safe for me hide. I could hide in plain sight and explain the gloves by saying I am a germaphobe."

"You should call the hospital your sister is at, see how she's doing."

"My parents wouldn't want me to contact the hospital."

"It doesn't matter what your parents would want. Do you believe that your sister would want to see you?"

"......yeah, I know she would. She and I argued quite a bit over the years over stupid crap but she and I were twins. We always stuck together, we were closer than anyone else you've ever met."

"Then call the hospital when you get a chance. See if she's woken up yet or how she's doing."

"Why do you want to help me?"

"I spent years blocking out everything. Blocking out every voice I heard because using my powers just reminded of the thoughts my dad would have. But if I kept blocking out those voices then I wouldn't have found you."

He goes quiet, looking down at his gloved hands.

"I have to go talk to the professor, but I'll find you as soon as I can afterwards, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

I get up walking out of the room and through the halls, riding the elevator up to the main house. I exit the elevator and head to Xavier's office, him just looking up like he already knew I was coming. He probably did anyway.

"I promised you that we'd find answers to what happened to you. To why those people experimented on you."

"It happened so long ago it doesn't matter."

"Maybe not but you won't be able to rest at night until you get your answers. There is a military compound that isn't too far from where we found you. It is long abandoned. I can't promise that you'll find anything there, but it might be a start for you."

"Thank you."

"Are you going to say goodbye to them?"

"Goodbyes aren't my thing."

I walk out of his office. I peek into the game room, seeing Dipper playing table hockey with another kid. On the tv screen in the room is a live press conference with the senator. But he's supposed to be dead, Storm saw him die. When he turns to leave I see his eyes are orange. Just like Mystique. I stabbed her, I was so sure that I had killed her. But I will admit she possibly could have survived.

I walk away from the room heading for the door. My hand is on the doorknob when I hear him behind me. "You running away?"

I turn around seeing Mason standing behind me. "Not really. I got some business I have to deal with up north."

"I don't want you to go."

"I don't want to leave, but I have to do this." I take my dog tag off and put it around his neck instead. "I'll have to come back for that."

"Bill, please stay....."

"I care about you Mason. That kiss, while it was to save your life, it was also more than that. And I hope one day we can do it again without me nearly dying."

"But we can't."

"How about we make a promise? A promise that we won't give up on trying to find a way for you to be able to experiance the world without gloves."

I hold up my hand, my palm facing him. He puts his clothed hand against mine, a small smile on his face. "That's a promise."

I hold his hand, kissing the back of it before I turn and walk out the door. I go to my motorcycle and climb on starting it up. I look back at the mansion one last time before driving off.

The End

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