Part I

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I get out of room after hearing some weird sounds from the other side of  house. I finally reach the room where I heard the muffled sounds. It was the entry hallway. I peer around the corner and see my daddy and a weird masked man talking.
The man of unknown origins had a something held against my daddy's neck, though from this angle I couldn't tell what it was. Perhaps a flower. Flowers are pretty! But, would that mean daddy is cheating on mommy?
"Please, reason with me? I promise I'll have enough money by the 17th. Just wait. These new songs I'm releasing are gonna—"
"I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. I need my money now".
What was happening? I thought we had plenty of money?
"S-sorry sir."
"You better be sorry." The mysterious man then took his hand and slashed it across my daddy's neck.
What I saw wasn't a flower. It was a knife, slowly dripping with a mysterious dark red liquid. A mysterious liquid for a mysterious man.
Wait.... Is that? Blood. My heart sinks to my feet.
"Daddy!" I yell, running towards my father's face, slowly growing pale.
The man looks towards me and I can hear him grinning under his mask.
"What have you done to my daddy!" I scream at the mysterious attacker.
"Oh, young child," the man chuckles out, "I going to keep it real, I just killed your father, and there's nothing you can do about it." I don't hear his face relax, so I assume he's still grinning as wildly as before.
I look down at my father and see his face look toward me one last time, before his face relaxes and I hear his last breath.

I suddenly wake up with a sweat on my face.
"Are you finally up child? Well, get on your way then if you want to get to school on time. No way you can become a Pro-Hero if you can't even wake up on time," I hear her say as I fall out of my trance. She spat out the Pro-Hero part as if it was a bitter pill. I look at the time and I see there is 10 minutes 'till my train leaves.
I run to the bathroom and put my brush under the faucet and quickly lather some toothpaste on it. I start hurriedly brushing my teeth with my ear jack coiled around the brush. As I jog to my room I overhear my mother mumbling about my lazy ass. Big talk for the person who is currently eating an Uncrustable for breakfast whilst watching some weird soap opera because she's to lazy to get the remote and change the channel.
I change into my uniform for UA and brush my hair. I go to the bathroom again intentionally ignoring my mothers rants. I wash out my mouth and put away my toothbrush.
Five minutes, that's a record!
I get my backpack and grudgingly say goodbye to my mother.
Finally out of that hellhole.
With some time to be alone, I have time to get exited about my first day at UA.
Wow. UA. The best hero school in the country. You'd have to be extremely humble not to boast about that.
Sooner than I know, I'm at the train station. I see my train stopping so I hurriedly put my metro card in and run to my train. I barely make it.
It takes about 20 minutes to get to school, and with that time I listen to a decent bunch of songs, ranging from Rhinestone Eyes to Iron Man by Black Sabbath.
My train finally stops and I take a minute walk to the school. I stop my eyes upon the marvel of a school I had landed myself at.
Surprised I made it, seeing as though my quirk is useless and battle. I'm pretty weak physically too.
"It's your fault! How could you be so weak as to let your own father get killed Kyoka!"
I wince upon the memory.
That's why your here Kyoka. Not for your passion, not for your mediocre quirk, but because the people at UA felt pity for her sob story about her father.
"Hey, are you okay?" I look for where the voice came from. I see a yellow haired boy with a black streak going through his hair. He points to my face, more specifically, my eyes.
Shit. I was crying.
"Oh yeah. Sorry, just was thinking about how I got into this school. Sorry to bother." I walk away trying to get the boy's attention off of me.
"Hey, it's okay! I'm a bit shocked that they even let me here too." The boy must have thought I was sad because I thought I wasn't good enough for UA. To be fair, having a messed up family isn't what a normal person would think it this scenario.
"But hey, they let us in right? That has to count for something!" He says, reinitiating conversation.
"Yeah, right," I say meekly.
"By the way, did you happen to have class 1-A? Or have any idea where it may be? I'm a bit clueless," He says chuckling to who I can only but hope is to himself, because he most certainly should not want to become friends with me.
"Follow me," I say with a nonchalant expression on my face. He continues following me, because he for some reason he was already following me.
We walk to the class in silence, with the boy finally picking up on my tendencies to be quiet.
We are 15 minutes early, which is a nice pace compared to this morning. I take a seat in the back corner of the class, and the boy sits next to me. No talking, just sitting.
After about 10 minutes pass, I hear a voice, also male, yelling at a boy who sat a couple rows in front of me. I couldn't hear most of the conversation though, due to the fact I had music blaring in my ears. I could pick up a few bits and pieces of it, though. The boy with blue hair was yelling at the angry boy in the chair for being "unprofessional".
Minutes later, I see a tall girl walk into class, her hair was tied into a ponytail and was jet black. Her skin was fair and looked perfect.
Probably a rich kid. She walked in talking to a boy with red and white hair, and had a scar across his face. Odd.
I put my head down to take a small nap before class. I assumed our new Sensei would attempt to wake me up, but for whatever reason I realize I had just slept through a solid twenty minutes of class. Not a good first impression, but I don't really care anymore.
"Okay now I'm forced to assess your skills so get changed into PE clothes. And be fast so I can sleep."
Welp, guess me sleeping didn't do anything bad for me. I probably just missed a overview of our syllabus or something. I look as I see everyone getting up, then I realize what our Sensei had just said. Shit.
I grudgingly get my PE clothes out. And shyly walk out of class, knowing I would have to get changed in front of everyone. At least it was only the girls.
I walk out last, and our sensei speaks to me.
"My name is Aizawa."
"Huh?" I blurt.
"You were sleeping. My name is Aizawa."
"Okay..." weird.
As I walk down the halls, I don't care to eavesdrop, as my sights are focused one person in particular. I was focused on her jet black hair and her astonishing height and her—
Wait. What am I even thinking. Ugh, I'm such a creep. I don't even know anything about her expect the assumption that she's rich. I don't even know her name!
"Hey! I never did get your name earlier." I look over to see the same yellow haired boy on my right. I stare at him blankly
"Uhh, that's your cue to tell me your name," he says while pointing finger guns at me. I blink at him.
"Uhhh, okay. Here, let me tell you my name. It's Kam—"
"I don't want your name, and I don't want you to have mine." I don't really care for making friends, as though my only purpose is to avenge my father.
"Denki. Kaminari Denki," he says as he leaves my side. Obviously a little hurt. He'll need to toughen up a little if he wants to do well. Friends are a useless social construct, and he should not be hurt by my rejection.
We finally make it to the locker rooms, and Aizawa tells us to get changed and meet him at the field. That's at least what I assumed he said, as though he mumbled it under his breath. When I move to the girls changing room, no one follows me.
Ah, yes. I must have been the only one to hear him. Well, I'm in no mood to inform them of Aizawa's words. They'll find out eventually.
Aizawa though, catches my eye as he sees me be the only one to listen to him.
With my PE clothes in hand, I quickly get dressed. I look down onto the scars on my stomach, glad I was the only one there to see them.
It was noticed, as I exit the changing room, that I was already changed in my clothes. Everyone else stood confused.
"Umm, dear, why is it that you've dressed? As far as I know, we have not been instructed to do so." The voice was oddly familiar. I look to where the voice came from, and it belonged to a girl. The girl, the girl with mysterious, long black hair and a height that towers over mine.
"Actually, she is the only one of you problem children who listened to me. I asked you all to get dressed a while ago. You have around like, a minute or two before you all will be marked tardy. I would suggest you all get changed before that happens." The girl, accompanied with all the others in our class look over to Aizawa and dread slowly fills their faces.
As they rush to the locker rooms, me and Aizawa lay behind.
"You know, I'm impressed you could hear me over all that noise. Even with your quirk," he doesn't say it loud, but he obviously knows I can hear him, "I think with that quirk of yours, you may actually do well here."
And while I heard everyone filing back in, all I could hear at that moment of time was what Aizawa had just said to me.
He didn't know it, to him it was just another compliment. But to me, it meant everything.
It was the first time someone had said something nice to me in eight years.

Sorry for the slow updates, school is hell and life sucks. Also thanks to those who are already reading this! Seeing that someone had put this on their list gave me the motivation to finish this chapter, and possibly not scrap this entire fanfic at all. Also, updates will be slow, so sincere apologies if this drags out longer then it should :/

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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