Chapter 1

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Who is Peter's Angel?

They headed toward the main office to pick up her schedule. "Remember, my name is Ella Borealis."

He nodded, "Yeah, no, right right I got it."

She raised one brow in a suspicious expression, making him look down for a moment in silent thought.

"I think I like sound of that actually." Peter said, one side of his lips in a crooked grin when he looked back up at her.

"What? Ella?"

"Yeah. It suits you. Its...sunshine-y."

The blonde giggled, "Well thanks, I guess...sort of."

Peter chuckled and bumped her with his hip before opening the door for her.

Most of their classes were together, thanks to more of Nat's hacking skills - all except ones Ella wouldn't like or would struggle in. Peter was a 3.9 gpa student after all.

So they pretty much just hangout all day, and walked to class together. Ella wasn't a fan of crowds so she'd hold his hoodie covered arm as they passed through, not noticing how people began to move aside for them now that she was there.

At lunch, she sat with Peter in the corner while he did some chemistry homework. She could feel a dark cloud hanging over his head all day and it was bothering her.


He looked up, still chewing on the end of his pencil.

"Are you okay?"

He hesitated, but nodded.

She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "I'm gonna tell you something about me, then you can decide if you want to share with the class, okay?"

Confused, the boy agreed, setting down his writing implement to give her his full attention.

Much to his surprise, she leaned closer to whisper in his ear. "I can read the emotions and ties of people I make physical contact with." Her voice sent tingles across his body and a blush in his cheeks, sending his eyes shyly around the room as he noticed a couple of people were staring again.

Ella pulled back, meeting his gaze with a challenge in hers. "So do you wanna tell me or should I hold your hand and find out myself?"

I'll tell you, IF you hold my hand. Peter thought for a moment.

"Well...if we're gonna be best friends I guess you'll find out eventually..."

She beamed until he went on.

"But it's hard for me t-to talk about uh..." he nervously placed his hand on the table and slowly slid it toward her.

A frown replaced her smile, concern in her eyes as she covered his larger, calloused hand with her dainty one.

Her eyes closed as she focused, resting her cheek on his arm in a sort of half hugging position to avoid weird looks from gossiping students. Her chest hurt as she felt his sense of loss, loneliness and heartbreak. She got mental images of Peter and his Aunt May from his childhood to recent...until her death.

Tears fell from her eyes when she opened them, looking deep into Peter's own damp orbs.

"Don't tell me you're sorry. I can't hear it anymore...please." He said softly, looking down and blinking a lot.

"Okay, I won't." She weighed her options very briefly, turning to sit sideways on the bench to hug his side, snuggling under his arm and wrapping hers around his torso. "I'll just hold you for a bit, okay, Dreamboat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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