Untitled Part 27

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Kaia brushed her comb through her hair, letting her vision relax, not focussing on anything in particular, just doing the simple task, simply. She sighed a few times, deep in thought, still combing her hair even though there were no knots left.

'What the hell do I do with Bang?' Kaia thought to herself, arms still combing and combing, eyes still unfocused. 'Do I forgive him? I don't want to. I want to just, forget anything ever happened and things went back... to normal.' Kaia's combing slowed. 'There never was a 'normal.' The entire time I worked, I was taken advantage of. I was mistreated.' Kaia picked up the combing pace again. 'I need to start fresh. I need to talk to Bang about fixing his misogynistic company and I need to seal the deal with Chanel. I need to build myself up as a person.'

Kaia blinked several times as the lights flicked on and off. Her eyes caught Jin's in the mirror, him standing in the entrance way of her bathroom. "Hey." Kaia put the comb down and turned around to face him. "Sorry. I was deep in thought."

"I could tell." Jin smiled softly, tilting his head at her dazed expression. "Everything okay?"

Kaia nodded and put a smile on. "Yeah. I'm just battling through some things right now."

Jin stayed quiet, going through his speaking options, making sure he wasn't going to overstep. "Can I offer some advice? Or something like that?"

Kaia's eyes cleared slightly. "Y-Yeah. Sure. Uhm, can we go to your room?" Kaia pointed to her wall. "The other two are still sleeping I think."

"Of course." Jin agreed, leaning his head back so he could look at the two in question. "I'll be in my room then."

Kaia nodded and turned back to her mirror, staring at herself. 'God, I look horrible.' Kaia placed her hands against her cheeks, holding eye contact with herself. America drained her. No, actually...

What Yang did to her, destroyed her. America kept her at her worst, making sure she never got a chance to heal herself.

But none of that mattered now.

Kaia wasn't going to hold onto hell. She needed to move forward and get away from the nightmares. She needed to heal.

Kaia patted her thigh and Jeju got up from the floor, following her all the way to Jin's room. She knocked on his open door before walking over, taking a seat beside him on the small couch he had in his room. "Did you sleep well?" Kaia couldn't help but ask, making Jin smile.

"I did." Jin looked over at her. "Did you?"

Kaia smiled and nodded. "I did."

"You should've pushed Jimin and Hoseok off your bed in the middle of the night though." Jin sighed and leaned back cockily. "Serves them right."

Kaia snorted and shook her head. "You're so mean."

"Anyways," Jin sat his hands in his lap, giving Kaia a gentle smile. "Wanna talk things out with me? I'm here to listen and help as much as I can."

Kaia looked over at Jin, her eyes ready to see his kind smile, round cheeks, puffy hair, and sparkling eyes. But, her father sat in front of her instead. He sat there, taller than Jin, with shorter hair. His hair was almost the length of a buzzcut, just slightly longer. He liked his hair short. He also liked keeping his beard messy, but maintained. It was always just too long for his face. Her father was a handsome man, he really was, but he changed his appearance to what he felt the world expected him to look like.

A bad guy.

His icy blue eyes were burning into Kaia's eyes, like they always did. His eyes were what made her mother fall in love with him. That was the one nice thing Kaia's mom told her about her father. But even the harshness of the shade of blue made him unapproachable. He looked like he could stab you just with his gaze. His nose was crooked from being broken so many times. Kaia learned from Lily that her father would get into bar fights and he didn't care enough to get his nose fixed every time it broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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