Chapter 10

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Three million German troops were prepared.

Nazi Germany woke before dawn, but the morning felt different than he was used to. The stillness that had once been calming was now ominous, and the quietness of the early hour seemed to foreshadow the impending destructive event. Today, in just a few hours, Nazi Germany would break his non-aggression pact with The Soviet Union and end their diplomatic relations forever. The minutes ticked by agonisingly slow, leaving Nazi with too much time alone with his thoughts to reminisce on his strange friendship with The Communist that he planned to betray. It was the closeness of their relationship that had made Nazi so weak and fond of Soviet over the time that they had spent together.

Maybe I spent too much time with him. We never should have gotten so close.

While there was a brief moment in which Reich suffered a bout of harsh, conflicted feelings about his invasion, the thoughts were quickly quashed by his vision of taking over Europe.

I must go through with this.

Reich stood outside Berlin headquarters, tipping his head back to stare at the heavens, entirely lost in thought. Despite it being the middle of summer, the sky was lightening to be a gloomy greyish blue hue, the horizon not yet graced by the warmth and vibrance of the sun. It had been a while since Nazi had seen Soviet since he had busy for a while with amassing such a colossal number of troops. He took pride in the fact that he was making history with his land invasion forces. He sighed, looking back down from the sky.

It’s no use staying out here for so long. Daybreak is approaching.

Nazi Germany headed for his military bases and rallied his troops. Placing himself at the head of the invasion, Nazi Germany led them to his and Soviet’s shared border. As he passed through old Polish territory, he did his best not to think about how he and Soviet had become true allies in after conquering the land together. He forced himself to be at peace with his decision to doom his friendly relations with The Soviet Union forever.

The Soviet border guards were the first to see Germany’s army. The Russian soldiers that had once regarded Reich as not a threat to the Union were now hastily pulling their guns up to aim at the invasion, but the element of surprise was in Nazi’s favour, and the Russians suffered under the merciless gunfire of the Wehrmacht. Nazi Germany smiled, admiring the beauty of the blood-stained battlefield from atop a stationary tank as the border guards remained wonderfully outnumbered by the Germans. Nazi even fired a few rounds himself. The power that coursed through him was strong enough to overpower any other thoughts of indecision over the invasion. Dark joy began to seep into his bones, infecting his blood with unmoving cruelty. A Russian soldier must have been able to escape and send a message back to Moscow, because then a tall figure was emerging from the Russian soldiers, an army division following him. Nazi threw out an arm immediately, giving The Soviet Union a chance to speak. The gunfire ceased completely when the Soviet Union made a gesture as well so that his soldiers would hold their fire. Soviet’s face was cold and hard as he regarded Nazi who still stood proudly atop the tank, arms folded across his chest. Soviet had no weapon drawn, but his sickle hung dangerously on his belt, and Reich caught sight of the man next to him holding two rifles, one of them obviously meant for the Soviet Union.

“Nazi,” Soviet addressed him a deadly quiet voice, “what do you think you’re doing?”

Nazi Germany felt a subtle shiver dance down his spine at the malice that Soviet just barely let show in his eyes. Nazi offered the Communist a grin.

“Apologies, Soviet, but our agreement no longer benefits me, so-,” Nazi dipped his hand into his pocket, retrieving the old non-aggression pact and then holding it aloft, “-I’ll be going back on my promise now.”

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