part 20

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Its already morning

Jk tiredly come to his parents graveyard and sit down between them. While crying badly

"Mom dad your kook find his love of life but the boy left your kook. Please send him back to my life. I need him in my life. He need me in his life. Please tell God to give me back my love," jk said while crying

"I love him so much, mom dad. I can't live without him,"

After crying his heart out, jk stand up and sadly started to walk out from exit. But suddenly his eyes fall on the boy who's face was resting on one graveyard. The boy's whole clothes in wet and muddy became of rain which make it difficult to even understand the colour of his clothes

Jk started to walk toward the boy. As soon as he looked at the boy face. He wide his eyes and shouted


Jk run toward tae and held tae face in his lager hand. He called tae many time but tae is unconscious and burning is high fever. Taehyung whole body is blue because of cold. His breath is so slow like he will die any moment

Jk immediately carry tae and run toward his car while crying. He make tae lay on back seat and started to drive in full speed toward soon as he entered inside the hospital he hear a fearful gasp from people but he ignore and shouted for doctor

Doctors run toward jk and immediately took tae to ICU. Jk sit down outside and covered his whole face in his large hand. He wipped his all tears but again tears fall from his eyes

He dialed suga number and told him that he find tae and now in NSH with tae. He also tell to told hyungs and jimin and took them here........

"Bub please don't leave me. I want you in my life," jk thought while crying

No one is around the ICU because of mafia fear. He is sitting all alone. After not so long namjin and yoonmin come while crying. Jk men also covered the area to protect their boss

"How is my tae," jin asked in panic

"Kook what happen. Where you find him," namjoon asked

"Please hyung say something," jimin said

Suga put his hand on his boss shoulder and jk immediately looked at him with his teary eyes. He looked at all and hugged jin while crying badly........looking at jk condition all cry more. They didn't see this mafia in this condition before. Even when his parent dead he control himself like a man

But in tae case he is so sensitive. His every part of body screaming that how much he love tae...........jk told everyone from where he find tae and how bad condition was tae

After some time, doctor come out from ICU. All jeon family run toward him

"How is he doctor," jk immediately asked

Doctor take deep breath and sigh. He looked at jk

"Mr jeon, he is in very bad condition when you took him here. We did our best. We make sure to do every possible treatment but he is too weak," doctor said

"Fucking tell me is he alright," jk said in anger and doctor flinched

"Sorry but I can't say anything now. It will depend on him. Looking like he already lost all hopes to even live. He is still in danger. If he didn't woke up till two hours. Then we will not be able to save him......please preyed for his life," doctor said and jk held doctor collar in anger

"I want my bub alive. Do whatever you want but I want him alive," jk shouted angrily

"Mr jeon try to understand. Life is only in God's hand. We are just a helper from god who will serve our best to save the patient," doctor said in fear

Namjoon come and free doctor from jk hold who immediately left from there. Jk fall down on floor while crying loudly. Jimin immediately hugged his brother.........namjin also join the hug while crying. Suga for some time looked at all then left behind doctor

Suga entered inside and saw doctor is afraid. He sigh and sit down infront of doctor chair

"What is the reason you said all this," suga asked

"Sir the patient mr jeon took. Is drained in rain in this cold weather whole night. His body is already very weak. His internal condition is more bad than external condition. Do you even know he have 10 aboutions in this age," doctor said and suga wide his eyes at new information

"What," suga said in surprise

Yeah suga is the one who gather all information about tae but he really didn't expect or think that if tae is going to rapped from the age of 15 so why he didn't get pregnant

"How do you know it," suga asked

Doctor sigh in sadness

"I was the one who aborted his every baby. First his father took him 6 times to abort the baby. When I asked who's baby is this he just threatened me to only do as he say. Then mafia bogum took him here 4 to 5 times to abort the baby,"

"I still know how he beg me to not do that but the mafia gun was on my head. After making him unconscious we abort his baby every time........I know that how the boy suffer. That's why I told that he have no hope to live," the doctor said with sadness

Suga is shocked and tears falling from his eyes like a river. But suddenly their both attention went toward the door where jin and jimin was standing with shock face........looking at their faces suga understand that they already hear all this

Before suga said something jimin run away while crying badly and jin entered inside while crying

"What we do now doctor," jin said while crying

"Please don't cry mrs jeon you also pregnant and its not good for your baby. And just prey from God to save that angel," doctor said with sadness

Suga looked at name plate of doctor table and mumbled

"Jung hoseok,"

Jimin run to namjoon and hugged him tightly and tell what he hear just now. Namjoon also become shocked and felt to rip every part of body of that fucking bastards but he know that jk men doing well

Meanwhile jk is inside the ICU room looking at tae who is laying lifeless on the bed. His body is filled with wires. Tears fall from jk eyes looking at tae condition........he sit down beside tae and softly and carefully held jk hand and peak on it

"Bub why you did this. Why you left from my house. Look now how bad condition you are in. I can't live without you please don't leave me my love. I love you taehyung," jk said while crying

Jk cry sitting beside tae and beg infront on God to give his tae back to him.......its already noon and tae still not woke up. Doctor jung come and after checking tae condition he also lost his hopes

Namjin and yoonmin cryed alot. But jk is stubborn. He know that his tae can't leave him like that

"My bub is ok. Don't cry you all," jk shouted and tears also fall from his eyes

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