IT RETURNS. (K:SJ Rewrite Teaser A)

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Something was wrong.

Very wrong.

Her natural reaction to great amounts of intense emotions was to split off the excess energy by channeling it into another being of Her creation before it overwhelmed Her.

That is certainly what happened here.

They had been wildly upset by whatever thing happening in whatever universe, and the anger They had produced was taken and used to create another being in the image of Their rage.

It took a moment for Him to process what that meant.

"Oh no. Oh no no no no no—"

It happened again. He had created another. He had birthed an heir to its malice, its disgust, its facsimile of what it called a "life".

The Ykka of Absolute Destruction had been reborn.

As soon as She realized what She had done, She dashed to the Ancient Mother's quarters, almost tripping in Her distress.

"MOTHER!! Mother, dear Heavens, it's back," They scrambled, bursting through the glittering door to Vuu'yk's room, startling Her. "I— I-I don't know how or why— no, no, I definitely do— I was angered by something happening outside the Concept Universe, and it— it— oh my days— it's— Mother, what do I do??"

Vuu'yk spared Him a single glance, then immediately returned to Her work. "Speak coherently, my child," She hummed calmly — far too calmly, especially considering the fact that She knew something had gone severely awry. "What happened, child? What returned?"

"Th-The Destruction. I had recreated it by accident. I don't know what to do, it's been millions of years since this happened last, and Ynufouu is no longer here to assist us in ending it. Please, just give me some form of instruction."

Vuu'yk paused, Her muscles contracting momentarily. This was certainly a situation.

"I believe," She began, "this time, you must kill it yourself, my child. You have all the power your daughters did, and more."

Of course. That was the obvious solution to such a glaring issue, and Yk was surprised She didn't think of it initially. Perhaps all the stress of being a Creator is finally beginning to get to Her.

"Ah. Yes. I— I certainly should."

The room was silent for just a few seconds, the only sounds heard being that of the Holy Mother's breathing and the humming of Vuu'yk's constantly present magic.

They thought. And thought, and thought. "...Though, perhaps it might've retained some form of information from its previous life. That has happened before, with the four," They muttered, partially just thinking out loud, but They wished for Their mother to hear.

"Perhaps," She responded. "That would likely make killing it a tad bit more tedious, but still, it is doable. You, as its Mother, have the right and the power to remove it from existence without another moment's hesitation. I believe you should do as such."

Yk nodded. "Yes, Mother. I shall," He spoke, voice calmer than before, but it still shook, wracked with nervousness. He turned on His heel, stepping out of the dim-lit room, quietly closing the large doors behind Him, and He ran to the Multiversal Transportation System deep within His palace, trying His best to detect the current location of the Ykka of Destruction.

She approximated its location eventually — it sat stationary in one of the KB Multiverse sets — and She knew immediately what it planned to do.

I was right. It has gotten smarter, She thought, and increased Her pace, hoping to reach the planet it likely was targeting before it arrived itself.

Her heart pounded in Her chest. It had died twice, and yet, it had only grown smarter.

Millions upon millions of years since its last death, and yet, though it definitely has become weaker, it remembers what killed it last time. It learnt from its previous mistakes, and it does not plan on making them again.

As quickly as They could, Yk sprinted, dashing towards the Transportation System, praying to whatever controlling forces above Them and Their mother that they might be merciful, and allow Them to reach Their destination before the Destruction, allow Them to protect Their beloved creations, the Universes They spent an infinite amount of eons building and falling in love with.

The door crashed open before Him, revealing the vast system of inactive teleporters to His all-seeing eyes, aglow with anxiety. He could swear His heart was near to bursting, its pulses booming in His chest and flowing across His entire form, wracked with fear and the overwhelming urge to protect.
Running to the KB sector, She sensed the location of the Destruction, Her daughter, Her unwanted child, something She never wished to create, something dangerous and violent and universe-ending, something She needed to obliterate.

She found the Universe in which it resided. Within, a child lived — a child destined to become more than they believed possible. A young Astral Warrior, who had brutalized a God a few times before, though they had no idea just how powerful they themself were.

Yk began to panic, even more than They already were. The Destruction knew exactly what it needed to do.

Their heart nearly ceased its beating, dropping into Their stomach and hanging there, like an immovable boulder that had settled itself inside Their abdomen.

Speedily, Yk provided Themself with a disguise They had used before when visiting a KB set — a freshly-trained Astral Warrior by the name of Poko — and opened up a rift before Them, throwing Themself into it, Their need to protect all They'd made rushing through Their veins and filling Them with enough adrenaline to kill a mortal being.

It was hardly long before He arrived where He intended, perhaps a simple few seconds — the transportation was quick.

All seemed well on Planet Popstar, but He knew something no others in this Universe did.

Yk knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

And it would only get worse as time passed, the clock ticking until the concept of the hours itself was eaten alive by a corrupt, dark Goddess capable and built for eradicating anything it came across.

The Multiverse was on the verge of ending, and only two creatures were alive on this planet that could save it.

Yk Herself, and a teenage Astral named Kirby, left unaware of his home's situation, and of how his life was about to forever change.

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