Telling the others

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After they managed to get what happened from Nick, the team decided to tell the others.

Will's POV:
I went with Ashley and Fiore. I don't know why, but Fiore has suddenly become extremely clingy towards us. She must just be scared. I am worried though. Did that shadow kill Lill? But, Nick said he saw a shadow following Lill. Are there more?
Doesn't matter right now. We have to warn the other team about what happened.
As we walked, I could tell Fiore was getting nervous. She was looking around and wringing her hands, terror obvious in her eyes. She had seemed so strong just a few hours ago. She and Lill must have been closer than any of us thought.

Fiore's POV:
'Is it my fault? Did I make her leave the camp in the middle of the night? Did me joining the show lead to her death? What if the killer goes after Drew? Oh my god. What if they go after Grett? It will be all my fault. I just know it.'
I looked up an realized we were at the other team's campsite. Dan and Drew were sitting with Gabby, talking, or in Drew's case, writing, about something. Dan noticed us an waved. Gabby walked over to us, probably wondering why we were there.

3rd Person POV:
Gabby smiled at Fiore and asked," What are you doing here? Did the hosts ask you to get us for a challenge?"
She noticed the tear stains on Ashley's face and the fear in Fiore's eyes an immediately was concerned. She kneeled down and whispered, "Are you okay, Fiore? What happened?"
Fiore looked up and hugged Gabby, crying. Ashley wiped her tears off her face and looked away.
Will hugged Ashley and said, "Lill was found killed in the woods. We don't know what happened, but someone or something killed her last night."
Gabby's eyes widened and Dan froze. Drew looked up in shock before writing something.
*Wait. Someone killed Lill? How? What happened?*
Will pauses and looks at the other two and he sighs. He tries to decide if he should tell them how badly Lill's body was mangled.
Fiore looked up an said, "Nick says that Lill looked like a broken doll and he face wa extremely bloody."
She ran over to Drew and broke down into tears. Drew held her close and gently rubbed her back. He looked down at the girl and couldn't help but remember how strong she had seemed before she switched teams.
Jake, Tom, and Miriam walked over and were surprised to see Fiore crying. Grett joined them and immediately picked up Fiore. She held the little girl in her arms and rubbed her back, whispering quietly to her.
Ashley wrapped her arms around herself and explained what happened. Jake walked over an hugged her. She started crying even more and Jake tightened his hug slightly. Everyone stood there, scared, hurt, shocked, and heartbroken.

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