Chapter 43: Return Of The Overlord

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(Nya manages to tangle Cole in her flail.)

Cole: This is not good!

Kai: We have to help them.

Cole: Tell that to your sister, It's four against one and I think she's winning!

Zane: Perhaps we can use our Elemental Powers, but without hurting her. (He cuts Cole's chains with his Elemental Blade.

Cole: I like it. Let's do it!

Jay: Cole, can you blind her for a sec?

Cole: Thanks to you, sure thing. (He blows dust in her direction.)

Nya: Augh! My eyes! I can't see!

Jay: Kai, quick. Cut that tree!

Kai: No problem.

Zane: I know where you're heading. (He freezes the tree, trapping Nya in an Ice dome.)

Kai: Sorry, Sis! This club just became boys only.

(At the shore.)

Lloyd: I tried.

Wu: I know.

Misako: It is done. The balance has shifted.

Garmadon: Stop laughing now! This is my victory! What's happening?

Overlord: You've helped offset the balance. (Laughs) Because of you, I can now cross over into your world. I'm finally free!

Garmadon: Wait a minute! You stole that from my playbook! Well, you can forget about it. Ninjago is mine!

Overlord: No. It was never going to be yours. It is mine!

(Garmadon screams as a beam of light hits him and everyone tries to stay on their feet.)

Jay: Sorry we're late. Did we miss anything?

Anna: More like 'you missed everything' 

Jay: (He looks at Garmadon.) Holy Unholy!

Garmadon: (Sees his hands turn into claws) What is happening to me?!

Jay: Are you scared?! I'm scared!

Garmadon: Something is very wrong here!

Overlord: (Possessing Garmadon) The Metamorphosis has begun!

Kai: Metamorphosis?! What does that mean?!

Zane: Metamorphosis is a biological process by which someone or something changes into something new.

Cole: Yeah, changes into something ugly.

Lloyd: Father!

Wu: No, Lloyd. That is no longer your father.

Lloyd: But what about the prophecy? It said I had to face my father.

Misako: You still must, but now the Overlord has possessed him. Unlike your father, the Overlord will show you no mercy.

Kai: You can do this, Lloyd.

Jay: We're here and behind you all the way.

Anna: He's tough, but you're tougher.

Zane: But we have to act before his evil gets more powerful.

(The Overlord laughs.)

Lloyd: Let's do this.

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