Fractured Cosmos; Cyrus

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(A/N: The reader in this is Male, He/him. for the gays. also angst!!)
(Cyrus x Male Reader. Angst)

(no one's POV)
Cyrus and (Reader) has been together for a year now and Cyrus, being the leader of Team Galactic, was still on about creating a new world and taking away the strife of human emotions, even in a relathionship with (Reader). (Reader) has tried multiple times to try telling Cyrus that what he was doing was not worth it and wanting to at least pay more attention to their realthionship rather than his plans. of course Cyrus doesn't listen and always distance himself away from (Reader). 

The stark walls of the Galactic Headquarters echoed with the hum of machines and the distant clatter of footsteps. In the dimly lit room, Cyrus, the enigmatic leader of Team Galactic, stood before a holographic display projecting the cosmic distortions his team aimed to create.

Little did he know that (Reader) was about to entered the room and have a small chat with him, like usual. (Reader) walks into the room with concern etched on his face as he approached Cyrus. He hesitated before speaking out to him. "Cyrus, we need to talk."

Cyrus, who was more focused on the machines in front of him, turned to face (Reader), his expression unreadable. "Talk? About what, exactly? I'm quite busy at the moment, if you couldn't tell."

(Reader) took a deep breath and folded his arms over his chest, a troubled look on his face. "I can't shake the feeling that you're going too far with all of this," (Reader) said, gesturing to the holographic universe-altering display, glowing in the dim light of Cyrus' office. "The consequences... they're too immense. Are you sure this is the only way?"

Cyrus's gaze remained fixed on the hologram. "As I've told you before, (Reader).. The only way to achieve perfection, is to create a world without spirit. It's the logical course of action. It takes all my attention to do this, so could you pleas-"

"But what about us, Cyrus?" (Reader) interrupts Cyrus, his voice cracked with emotion. "What about our relationship? I can't stand by and watch you destroy everything, including yourself." His eyes felt like watering, but he couldn't let himself break just now.

Cyrus turned away, his eyes distant. "You knew what I stud for when we entered this relationship. I am indifferent to emotions. I seek perfection." His voice was stern and firm, not letting his vision go to waste.

The tears welled up in (Reader)'s eyes gets heavier for every word that cut through him. "But perfection doesn't have to mean annihilation. Can't we find a balance in this? in us? Can't we have a future together without sacrificing everything?"

Cyrus's shoulders tensed, and for a moment, a flicker of doubt crossed his face. But it vanished as quickly as it appeared. "You fail to comprehend the significance of my vision. I won't let sentimentality derail it."

(Reader) took a step back, the weight of his words sinking in. He bites his lips, trying to push away his overwhelming emotions. "Cyrus, I can't be with someone who's so willing to throw everything away. Our love, if you could even call it that anymore, is over. It doesn't matter anymore, we're done. It seems like I can't do anything to change your mind, nor do you seem to care for me." (Reader) sighs heavly to himself, stepping back to leave the room. "Why did I even bother doing this in the first place? it was all useless in the end, right? I guess you were right about emotions Cyrus, their flawed.. Goodbye, Cyrus."

Cyrus remained silent, his eyes fixated on the machine in front of him. (Reader)'s words edging deeper into his soul, more than he ever could imagine. Was this the only way to achive anything? Has he destoryed the only way out of this cruel world.. his only way to feel anything?.. (Reader).. i'm sorry.

(Reader)'s footsteps could be heard leaving the room, leaving the Galactic Headquarters for good. The heavy silence hung in the air, echoing the fractures in their relationship. Cyrus couldn't help but feel the heavy tug on his heart.

(A/N: damn i'm terrible, i uhhhhh don't know howthiswokrds help)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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