Awkward Stares

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Third person's POV

The two are comfortably sleeping while holding themselves like a couple, all so peaceful. Mayah wakes up and she realizes that she is not in her bed and shocking of all she has a man's hands wrapped around her. She is scared and that's when all thoughts of yesterday night come flashing to her and she realizes that this man is her arrogant boss, Conrad, she looks up to confirm and its really him. His sleeping peacefully. She tells herself that the man is indeed handsome, even while his asleep.

Mayah tries to wiggle her body from Conrad's hold , he wakes up and looks down to the body trying to leave his hold. He smiles. "Stop wiggling and lets sleep" he says, this freaks out Mayah and she looks up at him. They quietly stare at themselves . The look of upcoming love but they both dismiss the thought calling it useless.

Mayah thanks for Conrad and apologizes for inconveniencing him, he finds it cute.

She runs to the bathroom to get ready and leave his place because its a Saturday and she has to enjoy her weekend.

Conrad goes to the kitchen and prepares breakfast for the two of them. He knows his pancakes are to die for because they are so tasty, he adds honey and they are ready to eat. Mayah finds him in the kitchen preparing something to eat and that was the sexiest thing she has seen a man do in a long time.

They sit down and enjoy the silence while they were eating, it was not awkward but just calm.. It was a silent good moment. Mayah tells Conrad that she wants to go because she is dressed inappropriately to be moving around in his house. He offers her his sweatpants and hoddie , which she galdy accepts and goes to the bathroom to put them on. They are all big on her but she gets a way of making the pants fit her.

They are both quiet and just staring at one another and looking on their cups of coffee. Conrad doesn't want the day to end her with Mayah so he asks her out. They go for a walk and get some ice-cream, If Mayah has no plans for the day. She gladly accepts and they go to the park .

An ice-cream truck passes by and Mayah convinces Conrad, that ice cream from trucks is the best so they don't need to go to an expensive ice-cream place. Conrad tells her that money is not his problem which she declines and heads to the ice-cream truck, all excited and jumping around like a little kid. This makes Conrad smile and wonder how Mayah could be so cute. The thought surprises him but he dismisses it and walks over to her to get ice-cream.

The day that started with awkward stares ended up a day both the two ended up and got to know each other. Conrad was proud listening to Mayah's journey to France and he was mesmerized by her beauty when she kept rumbling, he didn't know she was this talkative but he loved it. It was just them enjoying each others company on a bench in the park not caring of what was happening. It was indeed a nice day and when it ended , they both didn't want . They went back to his place and he got a car and dropped her to her place.

They both couldn't stop smiling and thinking about how the day was nice... even in their beds, their smiles just grew wide by the thought of each other..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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