Kindly step away from my boyfriend

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As soon as he walked out of the bathroom I fell in love all over again with the sight in front of me. That man was ethereal. His abs were exposed since he didn't put on a shirt and that made me drool over him(Me too Dean me too). "Take a picture,it will last longe" "No thank you,you wear no clothes in my dreams". I could clearly see he was flabbergasted but he knew how to put up an act " Don't say things like this or the only breakfast we get is eachother",This man makes me go fucking feral ( Yea babe me too) "Let's go before I honestly change my mind... Baby~" I said that and grabbed my stuff and ran out the door while giggling like crazy. "Wait for me Sunshine!" was all I could hear him scream. I was running really fast and I didn't notice a man standing infront of me and I bumped into him,I was lucky that he caught me before I fell. When I looked up I froze. It was Khai,my ex. "Aw Dean!How have you been?'' "Khai!I'm great. How about you?" "I'm fine too. Where were you headed off to in such a hur-" before he could say another word we both heard a cough. It was Win. I quickly stood up on my feet and smiled at him,I kind of knew by now that he couldn't resist my smile. "Who is he, Sunshine?" "Oh I'm so sorry. I'm Khai. What about you?" "I'm Winner, Dean's boyfriend " "Ai Dean! You got a boyfriend! Finally!". Khai didn't know but Winner was looking at him like he would pounce at him at any moment and chike him. "Ah well,we started dating a few days ago" "That's great!". "Now if you don't mind, kindly step away from my boyfriend" "Ohh,P'Winner. Don't get jealous. I'm his ex but I have my boyfriend now" "Yeah? Well then shoo,go to your boyfriend " "Okay Phi! Bye Dean,Bye Phi!". Khai was always a kind and naive person so I kind of felt bad for him when Winner was looking at him with 'those' eyes but I found it hot that he was jealous. What? Don't act like you guys don't drool over men being protective. Anyway back to me, Winner slowly came up to me and instead of getting angry he came and held my face and checked for bruises. "Are you hurt Sunshine?" He asked,his eyes softening when he looked at me "Yes Win,I'm fine. Now let's go,I'm starving". Once we get in the car he comes close to me,stares right into my eyes but instead of kissing me,which anyone in my place would have thought about what he was going to do,he put the seatbelt for me. He went back to his original position with a smirk. When we reached the café we were welcomed by two,very sweet,ladies.

"Hello sir,would you like any specific seating?"
"Yes we would like the table near the window if you don't mind" replied Winner
"Sure sir,I'll get the table ready for you"
X-Hunter groupchat
Babe: Everyone please reach the garage's meeting area by 11 AM. Myself and Charlie have an announcement to make. Oh and do bring your partners,we want all of our family there.
Everyone: "Reacted 👍"
" Winner?" "Yes Sunshine?" "Are you free after this?" "For you Sunshine,I'm always free" "Okay good,so remember I told you about P'Babe and Char? Well they're going to make the announcement and they told everyone to bring their um... Partners" "Mhm?" "So um I wanted you to come with me" "Ofcourse Sunshine"
(So well I forgot to mention that in this story Winner and the X-Hunter team are rivals only on track. Outside of the track they have no rivalry)
"So let's eat and head to garage" "Mhm" Our orders arrived and we both ate quickly so that we could leave for the garage. I insisted on paying but Winner whispered in my ear "We don't want our princess wasting money do we?". Fuck he made me blush so much "Okay fine". Once we left for the garage I sat at the passenger seat making me feel like a passenger princess. His hand slid down my thigh and I could feel his rough but soft hands under my clothes,the garage was a 15-20 minute drive so I decided to take a small nap,his hand was still there mind you.
Dean's Dream
His hand went up somewhere it shouldn't be at the moment and went higher up my chest. He stopped the car
and his hand travelled up to my chin and he grabbed me by my nape and pulled me closer to his lips. His lips tasted so sweet yet manly in a way.But before it continue further he woke up.
Dean's Dream ends.
"Sunshine we're here"

~To be continued~

A/N- Hope you guys liked this chapter.So it's the 18th and I'm leaving at 3 am for the airport so I'll try to update 1-2 more chapters before this story is on a break for a week. Thank you and byee

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