Chapter Nine🥀

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Week passed and the school day was boring and soon ended

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Week passed and the school day was boring and soon ended. It was sad that Bella and the others are graduating and I have to be without them at school for another year. I've met two in the same classes as me, so maybe I'll survive another year. Paul took me to the beach and the cliff where they jumped off with the others.

Jacob was nowhere to be seen because he was with Bella so that Edward could go hunting. I still haven't met Carlisle and I don't know if I even want to. Paul brought me home in the evening and while I was in the hall I heard the sounds of cars in the yard and soon shouting.

Stepping out I saw Edward and Jacob huddled together and Bella screaming between them. "Jacob just go okay." Bella spoke and soon dad came into the yard. Here we go.

"Easy guys easy." He spoke and pushed the boys apart. Bella looked at me eyes and I looked confused. Dad eyed the two. "What's going on?" He asked. After a moment of silence and exchanging glances, Jacob spoke.

"I kissed Bella."

Dad looked at Jacob and I put my hand in front of my mouth, hiding the smile that forced way onto my face.

Poor dad again.

Dad looked awkwardly in Jacob's direction and then in Bella's direction and was speechless. "And she broke her hand." Jacob continued and dad looked at him again.

"She punched me in the face."

This is so damn embarrassing but funny, dad stood there confused and everyone is quiet. I bit my lip tightly and a small chuckle escaped my lips. Dad sighed and rolled his head turning to walk inside.

"Come with us." Bella begged and I knew where. I tried my best to say I didn't want to, but soon I was sitting in the back seat of Edward's Volvo, heading towards the Cullens' house.

Shortly after entering the house, Alice stood opposite and Edward and Bella continued their journey upstairs. "It's so nice to see you again Aurora." Alice greeted and I was surprised when she hugged me. "Oh." I said patting her on the shoulder.

"Come on, Jasper wants to see you too." She said taking my hand and pulling me towards the stairs.

Jasper stood opposite and greeted with a nod, Rosalie was reading a magazine on the sofa and Emmet was leaning against the wall with a grin on his face. "Little Swan." Emmet said and I smiled. I think Carlisle, who was wrapping a bandage around Bella's hand, glanced quickly in my direction.

"Hey Aurora, I've been waiting to meet you." He spoke and motioned me to follow him as he let go of Bella's hand.

I swallowed nervously and started to walk after him, soon after walking past Jasper though, I felt relief in my flowing body. I glanced behind me smiling at Jasper who nodded.

"I'm Carlisle Cullen, I'm sure you already know that." He started and showed me a chair where I sat. I looked around and spotted a painting on the wall.

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