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''have you spoke to chris?'' ruby asked.

makayla shook her head. ''he hasn't even messaged me.''

it had been two days since the whole incident at the party and, whilst some people might've been over it in that time, makayla definietely wasn't. as time went by, she was actually getting more angry. 

not only had he said she was easy, which wasn't true, but he hadn't even bothered to hear her out. she hadn't even been talking to jack like that, but chris wouldn't listen to her. he hadn't even messaged to make sure she was okay, and she noticed that he liked her instagram post, but he hadn't commented.

makayla hadn't really left her room, but that didn't mean she was lonely. ryan barely left her side, meaning nick was over most of the time. ruby and kali facetimed her a lot, and matt had sent her messages saying he couldn't wait to see her at lacrosse.

she was grateful for all of her friends. 

but they weren't him.

she was going to skip lacrosse today but ruby seemed to be reading her thoughts, because when somebody knocked the door and makayla pulled it open, ruby was standing there, saying she was going to walk her to her lesson. 

and that's where they were going right now.

''he'll probably talk to you at practice.'' ruby suggested.

''yeah.'' makayla said, but she wasn't feeling hopeful.

the two of them arrived to the field and ruby gave her a small smile. ''text me after.''

''i will. thanks for walking with me.''

ruby smiled again before makayla walked away from her. she scanned the field for the two brothers and saw them talking. as she began to make her way over, she realised her heart was beating rapidly. she was mad at chris, he was the one in the wrong, but she was still nervous to see him.

matt noticed her first, shooting her a smile. ''hey.''

''hey.'' she smiled before looking at the other brother. ''hi, chris.''

''hi.'' he said bluntly before looking back at matt. ''i'm gonna go speak to the other boys.''

''chris-'' matt began.

''speak to you later, matt.'' chris replied before rushing away.

makayla watched him for a moment and then looked at matt. ''what is going on?''

he shrugged helplessly. ''i really don't know, mak. i asked him about the party, about what he said, but he won't open up.''

''he's being horrible for no reason! i didn't even do anything wrong!'' she said angrily.

''i don't understand either.''

makayla was about to go and pull chris away from the crowd and ask him why the fuck he was acting so childish but the coach blew the whistle, and she knew the game was about to start. she stood there for a moment, hesitating, and then she realised what she was going to do.

she was going to do what he had done.

the lacrosse game started and makayla played as usual - she had to time it correctly. she had to make it look like an accident even though she knew it wouldn't be...and she was pretty chris and matt would know it wasn't an accident either.

her time finally came when somebody passed the ball to chris which he caught easily. he began running towards the net...but makayla began running towards him. he noticed her, but pretended not to, looking at his other team mates. that just made her madder, and she ran straight into him, knocking them both to the ground.

GREEDY, ℂ𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now