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Note: Finallyyyyy!!! We're here at the very end, thank you for Reading by the way, I know how complicated it is for you to read this but I appreciate the effort!!! Anyways thank youuu!! Enjoy!

Love isn't about being happy, safe and well all the time, Love comes to a very strange way, unexpected in all aspects, we don't know when to feel it or what would happen if we met the one for us

Yuji stared at his soon to be husband, Realizing the things they've been through from all the years they're together, he is 18 years old now, his planning to lived with Sukuna soon, even if he wanted it to be now he can't since His older sister won't allow him until he turned into an adult, Yuji Stands up from his seat

"Where do you think you're going?" Sukuna turned around to looked at him, raising his eye brow, Megumi and the others looked at him too

They're inside a classroom right now, in jujutsu high, because ever since Sukuna decided to be with Yuji, He cooperate with Gojo, and agreed to be a sorcerer, he also agreed to be a teacher but only if Yuji is one of his students, he quit after Yuji graduates,
Sometimes Yuji would want to run away from Sukuna due to the fact, Sukuna stayed with him almost all the time, like surveillance, he only got time for himself if Y/n come to get him, or when his at home, maybe soon he would plan to run away

"Ah..outside" he answered flatly, his not in the mood today, not because of sukuna but something else

"Specifically, where?"

"None of your business" Yuji didn't take a look at him as he continued to walk towards the door

"Stop, right there and look at me." Sukuna sharply ordered, but he stubbornly gets out of the classroom

"Bye" Yuji slammed the door

The last thing Yuji heard before he sprint down the hall is Sukuna's angry voice, he went somewhere no one else knew he would go, his secret place, simply he went to the beach, he sat down to the sand, as he gazed at the waves

"What are you doing here, yuji" A familiar voice called out, he didn't looked at the person but he already knows who is it, the person sat next to him

"Time passed by, so fast, Everything changed at the blink of an eye, and It's overwhelming me" Yuji sighed "did I choose the right choice?" He went on

"What do you mean?" A paired of blue eyes looked at him

"Some people look at me, like I'm the key for peace,yet Some of them Ridiculed me, and would never accept me because of what happened in the past, I knew it was my fault, everything about what happened back then is my fault, I'm getting nightmares...about what happened about my traumas, and it feels so real" Yuji cried out, Gojo listened to him, patting his back

"Mm, it's not your fault Yuuji, you did nothing wrong, You wanted to save anyone, but at that time, You don't have a choice"

Gojo stayed with him, until he calmed down, It's already afternoon when Sukuna found him, It's only just a few hours but Sukuna is already looking like a mess, he runs towards Yuji, and without noticing Sukuna, Yuji felt the warmth of someone hugging him from behind

"Don't leave again without my permission" Sukuna said Taking a breath, inhaling the scent of his lover "I love you" Yuji uttered Underneath his breath, Sukuna tightened his grip a little

"So mean, don't make me the third wheel!~" Gojo Interrupt the moment with his silly comment "lemmee joiiinnn!~" playfully he tried to hug yuji too, but Sukuna slap his hands away, Gojo laugh at this action

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