5.𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒑𝒂𝒈𝒆

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Sometimes, life is unpredictable. However, it usually tends more toward the negative than the positive. I always asked the higher power for something nice to happen to me because I had been unfortunate my entire life. God never answered my prayers, yet I feel compelled to pray because I need some hope. Someone who will bring some luck into my life.

The first time I truly prayed to God was when my mother died.

Of course, my mother did not rise from the dead. I had hoped she would after I prayed a couple of times on my knees in church. I was a silly child.

I know it's unreasonable to simply deny God after growing up worshiping him. But I have realized he never helped me. He never answered my prayers. So, why should I continue to worship him?

I believe there's a higher power, and I pray to that. Whoever or whatever it is giving me hope that my life may get better. Even the tiniest hope is better than nothing.

The most unpredictable scene I could have pictured in my head was a man lying in my bed while his face was buried in my chest. If someone told me this was going to happen, I'd probably jump in front of a moving car.

My hatred toward men started when I learned my father left my mother because he only wanted sex and not a baby to take care of. My foolish mother loved that prick and even married him. She tried to convince him that I was a piece of joyful news. He, on the other hand, couldn't give a damn about his care for me.

After he left my mother, allegedly he had found a younger, more beautiful woman. Which had no desire to bear a child.

My grandmother told me everything she knew once I came of age. Things my mother wouldn't tell me because she was probably ashamed. Later on, she came to the realization that my father was nothing but a piece of trash. However, the knowledge came far too late.

Why do women always make the wrong choice when picking the right man? Don't they see what a monster is right beside them?

I've never been in love, and I have no desire to be till the right and fine man finds me. A man with purity behind his eyes. The one who will shed light into my darkness.

And that someone is most definitely not the man curled onto my body like a serpent.

"If you don't pull away in three seconds, I will shred you to pieces." I softly said.



Why is he not pulling away?

"Three-" He swiftly pulled away, raising his hands as if he had been caught stealing.

I had to remind myself why he was in my house and inside my bed and in my sheets I would have to put in the washer. I cannot stand outside clothes inside my comfortable, soft, fluffy bed.

The reason was me.

When I focused on his facial features, I saw a glimpse of darkness. His eyes weren't so bright, and the wide smile was gone. Maybe I was reading too much into it, but at that moment, I nearly killed myself as my heart raced with seconds.

I shifted to the edge of the bed and landed on my back as I hit the floor.

He suddenly woke up from the trance he was in and jumped out of bed. "I'm forever in debt. Thank you." He kindly said, and passed through me. His steps weren't heard, but I thought they would be extremely loud due to his thick platform combat boots.

Embarrassment crawled through my body. Perhaps I was the one in a trance. No man has ever touched me like he did. And even though I hated it, I only missed the warmth of his large hands that radiated on my back.

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