Bring The Pain On.

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Requested by - LinaMarieScholten

It had been three days since a dull pain in Taehyung's side started. He was keeping his pain a secret because the members had been practicing for their upcoming concert and everyone was stressed out enough, he didn't want to add to the anxiety. When it had first started he tried brushing it off as maybe gas bubbles or having eaten something bad, but by day two he ruled out both of those factors. Especially because the pain was getting a bit worse.

A stomach bug? The flu maybe?

He had googled his symptoms trying to explore every option so he could find some medicine to help and treat himself without anyone else having to find out he was sick. He was way more concerned about the concert. He figured there was no time to go to the doctor with the way their practice schedule was set up so he had to simply endure the pain and hope it would go away.

Dance practice was hard, certain steps sent a sharper pain coursing all around his abdomen. When he was resting it was a dull ache, but any movement suddenly made it feel as though he was being stabbed with knives. He had to take more frequent water breaks than usual and while doing so Hobi came over to ask him if he was feeling okay.

"I noticed you're struggling a bit with some of the steps. I don't expect you to give it your all during practice but a little more effort would be nice to help build up your endurance for the concert."

Taehyung stared at Hobi, unsure of how to respond. He paused and then nodded. "Got it, sorry. Just tired is all."

Namjoon overheard the conversation and walked over, ruffling Taehyung's hair. "Everything okay?" He knew Taehyung was tired, they all were, but he still wanted to check on the boy.

Taehyung nodded, but he clutched his stomach automatically as another ache waved through his side and around his stomach.

Namjoon flinched at Taehyung's sudden movement, grabbing his dongsaengs arm. Both him and Hobi furrowed their brows with worry. "Tae? What's wrong?" Namjoon asked.

"Nothing, just a cramp or something," Taehyung lied.

The rest of the members flew over when they overheard Namjoon ask Taehyung what was wrong.

"Is hyungie okay?" Jungkook asked, staring at Taehyung. Taehyung didn't like the sudden attention, he knew there was too much work to be done and they shouldn't get so distracted.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," the second youngest replied. He brushed off his pain in hopes of easing everyone's sudden worry. "We..we should get back to practice though, big concert coming up!"

The others asked if he was sure he was okay one last time and he really was feeling a bit better after the small intermission, so nodded and got back into position.

Things were okay the day before the concert. The pain came and went and it didn't bother him all too much. He figured maybe he was finally getting over whatever sickness he was dealing with. Plenty of water and rest seemed to be doing the trick. Practice for the day went well, but once they got home for the night things started to take a turn for the worst.

Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin had made a giant dinner as a celebration for the concert tomorrow, and surprisingly Taehyung found himself not hungry at all even though he thought the food smelled delicious. They were sitting there chatting and eating when Jimin noticed Taehyung hadn't even touched his plate. He reached over and squeezed Taehyung's shoulder. "Hey, you alright?"

Taehyung was trying to hide the fact he was clutching his stomach under the table. "Y..yeah...I guess..just...anxious about tomorrow."

The members didn't quite believe him because Taehyung was never one to get nervous about performances. He'd never, since the day they'd met, turned down a delicious meal before a show. Namjoon stared at Taehyung and tilted his head, full of curiosity as he noticed the color of his dongsaengs face seemed duller.

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