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As I sit up with my eyes half open I scratching my head I Pat around my bed looking for my phone when I feel something.
It was smooth and quite firm but I had no idea what it was so I dipped my hand in the warm water besides my bed and freshen up my face I look in the direction of the smooth object and all I see is the back of a mans head.
I scream for a second then slapping myself when I realise there's a guy next to me.
I had no idea who it was so I crawl leaning my head over his,scanning his face when suddenly i lose balance and fall furiously on top of his chest so I quickly roll onto the other side and lay facing away from him brushing the back of my hand on his still hard dick.
I feel him lean up so I quickly close my eyes when I hear him cough and lay back down, after that I inch my way towards the bottom of the bed trying to sneakily touching his dick on my way down.
"Phone Bleeps" I look swiftly at his phone and see his home screen. OH MY GOD .... "REALLY" "NO" I mimic the word booya and clench my fist into the air "it's him" "amazing brunette hair, Green and hazels eyes dimple,beauty spot and all" it's Connor" I look at his face again, I didn't realise before because of the sleep still laying crusty in my eyes but I snap a pic on my phone of him asleep and get dressed then run out leaving no trace of me even changing the sheets seeing as there's still a bit of Seamen on there 😳😳...
The first thing I think when I leave the house was "I GOTTA RING KAYLEIGH"

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