Chapter 6 ~ The Second of January

701 22 9

April 10, 2016

Sagarika's glossy dark waves fall over her shoulders as she sulks in her pajamas at our kitchen table over her cracked open "Intro to Pharmacology" textbook. She yawns as Zoe passes her a tall glass of orange juice.

"You can't stay up all night every night, Sag," Zoe says. "You know that running on empty isn't going to help for your exams."

"Time got away from me," she rubs her eyes before taking a swig of the juice.

Eloise sits at the table across from her, glued to her laptop screen, "I'm thinking of changing my entire Intro to Communications project. What do you think, Alexa?"

"I finished mine a month ago so I wouldn't go changing anything now."

"How you've never procrastinated in your first year, I can never understand," she shakes her head.

Meanwhile, I'm on the other side of the room with my iced coffee, writing a reflection paper on my philosophy for children's learning. I had slept the eight hours my body needed.

Zoe sighs as she carries a piece of avocado toast from our gally kitchen to the same table with the girls, "I guess I better crank out that paper on Gone with The Wind. I just hate Scarlett O'Hara."

We ignore Zoe's comment as I continue to type rapidly, in the flow of writing exactly what I want to write for this final journal for my Intro to Primary School Education course. I wanted to move onto studying for my European History final as soon as possible. The Eden Hall activities this spring had severely set me back in that class.

"Come sit with us," Eloise says from across the room.

"I'm focusing."

"You can focus here," Zoe gives me a probing look.

I rise from the couch and sit down with the girls, my long, acrylic nails still clanking on the keyboard as fast as possible which earns me a giggle from them all.

"I'll never understand how you learned to type so fast."

"I won the Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing challenge in fourth grade," I shrug, still invested in getting all my thoughts onto the page.

Eloise sighs and announces, "I'm thinking of changing my project to a digital magazine on Sex Positivity."

"Good lord," Zoe chokes on her coffee. "And your professor is whom?"

"Fairbourne. But she's like the epitome of White Feminism, she'll love it."

"Sex positivity how?" my brain halts from writing about making sure the children in a classroom feel equally heard as Eloise's endeavours sound far more intriguing.

"Hmm...I'm thinking of interviewing people about their kinks. You know, like hearing about how people want to get hit with a paddle in BDSM. Period sex. Pegging. Whatever floats a person's boat, really."

Zoe and I exchange a glance. If she could pale, she'd be white as a ghost. Here I am, gulping down my iced coffee. Just last week, the two of us had disclosed to one another that we are two submissive girlies and arguably masochistic, too.

"So I'm assuming you're expecting to interview us?" Zoe asks Eloise.

"Meh, I'll sleep on it. Truth be told, I was awake all night with one of the guys from Floor Two."

"Floor two?!" I remark.

"Good night, girls," Eloise wraps into a fuzzy blanket and carries her half-empty, cold cup of tea to her bedroom.

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